choice of love Honey, if love comes in colors, I choose blue, if love comes in flowers,
am a lover of hair A lover for women with Soft sweet smelling hair I told her at the library She likes my hair too low cuts fin…
A breath in a moment Takes a lifetime to some When none after will be taken Up above where they’re from. A misplaced step
FOR know, my girl, there is alway… Ready at hand in this latitude, And how it stings and bites and ha… When Alphonse the sturdy trees at… So fear, child, to cross him, or p…
I am the hand of John I am a piece of john, john is a piece of me I have been with him for a long time I have struggled and succeeded with him john is me and I am john I remember the to...
“She cries herself to sleep, hoping one day she’ll find peace. Her only friend is a rabbit. She’s the only one that understands her. A fake smile that holds behind alot of secrets is he...
“As ignorantly did I crave, while yet to prove I thought there was some deity in love, So did I reverence, and gave worship. Our desires we give in, to the hopless fate of lust. As this...
Madrugé normal, como todas las secuencias de esos peces. Mis calcetines, de tan empapaditos de agua que estaban, se convirtieron en una almohada de cannabis. Estuve llorando, miré el te...
At the Ohr O’keefe museum, Standing outside the doors, A dark and foggy day, Not such a good day for tours, The fog has laid on thick
Seremos felices en Viena, en Estocolmo o Praga en la torre Eiffel, en el Empire State, en la muralla China,
By Stanley Collymore It’s my life and I’ll damned well do with it what I like and that quite naturally, pleases me; and as long as I’m happy, not actu…
Try as you will, Give it your best, Consider this one hard test, A test to fulfill, A test to kill,
Feels good to be happy, so glad I beat depression. Found out love is a drug, and also a lethal weapon. Bullets of fake love when the gun is in the wrong possession. Shooting in my direc...
hopes and dreams of you near a lifetime for you to appear I am tired
When the demons come out to play,… I pray they carry me away to a pla…
An open treasure chest, filled with gold, and emerald, and… curiosity didn’t fester less, when in hand went four queen of he… This wasn’t any plebian game,
One small puff wouldn’t hurt You chose to try some pot But soon the urge to try some more Became to flood your thoughts You lost some weight
Things happen in my life that i ca… It hurts my brain to make sense of… See i try to analyze the hurt and… But i end up falling deeper into t… It breaks and withers everytime so…
Romance fades away when compared t… platonic love. A pure bond between souls tied not by passion but passions. In you i find fragments of me
Today is the day We set the clocks back Today is a common Sunday Tomorrow most of Us will work
I felt the warm summer breeze on m… and the rock by the seashore was m… The overcast sky was a screaming r… yet I felt calm and quiet. On that day there was a low tide
You said I was weak so I was afra… You said I was ugly so I despised… You said no one loved me so I hat… You said I was a dreamer so I fea… You said I couldn’t make it so I…
Time and space - a couple virtues of life time and space. What dol these mean looking into time a second, minute, hour a day what’s ever going to be a enough a year or is it endless? D...
My muse My siren My passion Your beauty is caught in my eyes My pain
A house standing still Resting quietly on a hill Widows where the light once shined Penetrate no more with the blinds Concept of laughter and frolic
You left me in the winter. The worst time at all. It’s the loneliest season, I crumble and fall. I guess you didn’t know, how it ma…
There was a girl who woke up with a smile on her face and looked in the mirror she saw the picture
Today I’ve chosen to be at peace, the loudness of the world had shak… Realizing that there is power in s… But today I choose peace. When there’s chaos in the world,…
Black hair covering dark thoughts Framing an angelic face but a wild… Brown eyes that hide underneath Clear and mixed up feelings A romantic soul whose prayers
Goodnight On the eve I die alone Don’t morn me Simply delete me from your phone Remove my contact info erase all p…
She pierces my heart with every gl… right in the heart, and it skips a… goes slower, then increases fast, and every time, the cycle repeats, With every touch she paralyzes me,
To Trinity Kubheka. No wonder you couldn’t look at me… So innocent you looked, you couldn… But now you have broken my heart. To each and every battle I always…
“Tout comme il y a des milliers d’… “Dans le sentiment fou d’un bandit… “Que vais-je faire avec ce sacré d… “Tant que je vois ces gens marcher… “J’ai peur de l’inconnu, c’est pou…
Can we disappear together? Just you and I Where all our worries are left beh… Can we dance until the sunrise? With you staring in my eyes
You may deny his arrogance; how he struts around casually shrugging me off carelessly putting you down. You may deny his manipulation; how…
take your teeth and tear off my sk… cos you know i wanna do more than… tie me up hold me down take me now all around town dress me up and strip me off again
The innocence is lost the hunger grows inside her beautiful soul is completely a… but only for a moment, only for aw… She is lost to a desire unknown,
Commitment unanchored, floating un… Love forever escaping, like I’m d… Immersed in excuses, Emoting moti… Bound by fears of thoughts From t… No Tredding but sinking into self…
Tattoos all over my body Beauty they were 1st time I saw t… Now they have turned to roots that… The one on my leg shows the long w… One on my neck shows the sleepless…
Power scolded by a crimson cut A life worth living but Cut short cut deep Residue of a lonely weep Price to pay to steep
Show me not death of bloodied men of abominations of twisted things; soulless thought
Free me from the exile of the hate… Hanging by a thread from your savi… Condemnation is all that I sense Build up your walls, but I’ve got… Religions of glory you tear anothe…
By Stanley Collymore Brave Kate? Really? Give us a bloody break! When her sort, the rest of the Windsors kind, the politicians, ba…
“When the notifications of your he… “Since I have enough walls to bec… “Then, many groups will want us to… “Then (wao! Yes, two “then”) we w… “Log in and give the button of alw…
Obvious Obviously not Your a puzzle With missing pieces It’s an un-going mystery
Triple blessing, They tryna cripple the testing, Move by with faith thru the holy spirit, God proved I’m saved cause they only fear it, Endure until the end to completion, Folk gon be i...
It’s funny because i’m still havin… on my heart. You left me, alone But it’s ok,
The Benedictine scents and stains the languor of your pallid lips; My kiss shall be a bee that sips A fainting roseleaf flushed with r… I thirst, and yet my thirst increa…
With passion in his eyes His hips between her thighs His whispered word penetrates Her soul that always hesitates Longing for a friend to keep her
It is time for me to stop being the observer of life and hesitating upon my actions today I am a new man because I move freely
By Stanley Collymore I didn’t know that William and the rest of Britain’s purportedly royal family were
I want you to see the good, bad, ugly and the pretty. Just a whisper of Jesus Christ will make evil fee. ©2005, 2007 and 2013 Property of Michelle Carter-Douglass. All Rights Reserve...
I know it’s early In the night You think will never pass But time heals When a memory
because we’ve been taught when we were young we would play by the train tracks… we would pick the dandelions out f… and we would cover ourselves in di…
I’m smarter then i lead on thats why i keep on leading cause its far to easy to keep you… a mind fuck and a half a shepherd with a staff
Nearer and ever nearer... My body, tired but tense, Hovers 'twixt vague pleasure And tremulous confidence. Arms to have and to use them
The sound of the darkness brings m… The light of day threatens my rele… The smiles I fake the sadness I d… The thoughts of death of eternal d… These are the things you’ll see in…
center When I look at the moon, and the… and pulls the tide toward itself,… the way I thought I could never m… but in reality I had decided to lo…
This tequila sunrise will never co… If these old bags are here dusk ti…
I refuse to apologize for how lett… I could care less of how u digest… Life ain’t always good, Therefore I need to be ASSERT… No!