To step over the low wall that div… Road from concrete walk above the… Brings sharply back something know… The miniature gaiety of seasides. Everything crowds under the low ho…
winter wind then love comes along brought by the warm winter winds to dance with your soul forlorn moments of your day
Beating Heart A red rose with petal chambers and… Center of life in all of God’s ch… All creatures on planet earth... h… Does the simplest job... pump danc…
On a summer morning I sat down on a hillside to think about God – a worthy pastime.
share the naked happiness ...Christmas time... the season of… brings back fond remembrances of y… every note... every song played and sung
Grey haunted eyes, absent-mindedly… From wide, uneven orbits; one brow… Somewhat over the eye Because of a missile fragment stil… Skin-deep, as a foolish record of…
Why should I let the toad work Squat on my life? Can’t I use my wit as a pitchfork And drive the brute off? Six days of the week it soils
It seemed an unlikely match. All… grinding its teeth in a plastic sl… nose-down from a hook in the darkr… under the hatch in the floor. When… it knocked back a quarter-pint of…
My mouth blooms like a cut. I’ve been wronged all year, tediou… nights, nothing but rough elbows i… and delicate boxes of Kleenex call… crybaby, you fool!
Not quite four a.m., when the rapt… strikes me from sleep, and I rise from the comfortable bed and go to another room, where my books ar… in their neat and colorful rows. H…
shameless revenant a revenant ghost from the ninth circle of hell haunting the meadows sucking the wealth life shameless
There is, all around us, this country of original fire. You know what I mean. The sky, after all, stops at nothi…
In the story of Patroclus no one survives, not even Achilles who was nearly a god. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor.
It was Earl Haldan’s daughter, She looked across the sea; She looked across the water; And long and loud laughed she: ‘The locks of six princesses
Moon marked and touched by sun my magic is unwritten but when the sea turns back it will leave my shape behind. I seek no favor
don’t worry about rejections, pard… I’ve been rejected before. sometimes you make a mistake, taki… the wrong poem
I know someone who kisses the way a flower opens, but more rapidly. Flowers are sweet. They have short, beatific lives. They offer much pleasure. There is
Two roads diverged in a yellow woo… And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I c… To where it bent in the undergrowt…
I thought that I could not be hur… I thought that I must surely be impervious to suffering— immune to pain or agony.
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time f… And time future contained in time… If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable.
A million million spermatozoa All of them alive; Out of their cataclysm but one poo… Dare hope to survive. And among that billion minus one
Royal Flush rare anyone gets a royal flush let alone spade from a five card stud
You, going along the path, mosquito-doped, with no moon, the… a single orange eye unable to see what is beyond the capsule of your dim
Space Paradise ...immortality awaits meanwhile w… You are the one in the dream I ha… Of a luxuriant garden billions of… In that mystical park magical land…
In Gratitude A house goes purple No royalty attached none Humble it remains Where love compassion resides
A Day in the Life share the love light One day to savor Dawn to dusk... rises again One day to labor
spring rendezvous there from the kitchen window I saw a pair of spiders embraced enjoying sun light joyful life journey out there
We move by means of our mud bumps. We bubble as do the dead but more… The products of excruciating purge… we are squeezed out thin hard and… If we exude a stench it is petrifi…
a bed fo’r king Ho Ho Ho ...they go Santa reindeers ...Rudolph go
All We Need No Room For Hate Nests are conceived with love Long before a piece of leaf lifted A beakfull by tiny beakfull of mud…
Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth-something didactic, instructive, or somethi...
happy birthday the sun has risen once again this time especially for you
Understand, I am always trying to… what the soul is, and where hidden, and what shape and so, last week,
DARK Angel, with thine aching lu… To rid the world of penitence: Malicious Angel, who still dost My soul such subtile violence! Because of thee, no thought, no th…
Whose woods these are I think I k… His house is in the village, thoug… He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with sn… My little horse must think it quee…
CLXXVIII. There is a pleasure in the pathles… There is a rapture on the lonely s… There is society where none intrud… By the deep Sea, and music in its…
To sing a poem Yes sing together A two chord strum to your poem A tune we’ll master Together singing
A serpent moves with painted grace Its gilded scales in sunlight glea… Yet venom pools in dark embrace A silent threat beneath the sheen— Its tongue may flick with charm’s…
Don’t bother me. I’ve just been born. The butterfly’s loping flight carries it through the country of…
Love Alone Adoring Souls There can be no barriers For a soul to transcend another Between Eros inspired beings
Those long uneven lines Standing as patiently As if they were stretched outside The Oval or Villa Park, The crowns of hats, the sun
My work is loving the world. Here the sunflowers, there the hum… equal seekers of sweetness. Here the quickening yeast; there t… Here the clam deep in the speckled…
My age fallen away like white swad… Floats in the middle distance, bec… An inhabited cloud. I bend closer… A lighted tenement scuttling with… O you tall game I tired myself wi…
This is not I. I had no body once… only what served my need to laugh… and stare at stars and tentatively… on the fringe of foam and wave and… Eyes loved, hands reached for me,…
Every morning the world is created. Under the orange sticks of the sun
Is the soul solid, like iron? Or is it tender and breakable, lik… the wings of a moth in the beak of… Who has it, and who doesn’t? I keep looking around me.
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness.” K. Gibran Love you all. I wish you a happy moment and a happy day. Hard to do this April Fools Day. Harder even as at this very moment and i...
Bring me to the blasted oak That I, midnight upon the stroke, (All find safety in the tomb.) May call down curses on his head Because of my dear Jack that’s de…
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your kn… for a hundred miles through the de… You only have to let the soft anim… love what it loves.
Hers is the clean apron, good for… Or lamp to embroider, as we talk s… In the long kitchen, while the whi… Turns to pastry in the great oven, Sweetly and surely as hay making
Of course FDA the authority on Covid 19 and on many other public health concerns is holding hands with WHO. Covid 19 in all its mutated appearances to kill us humans had challenged this...
Snow Dragon Fire and Ice ‘Twas hot the fire tornado twistin… The spiral ground to the sky pirou… That burned the earth floor left
Abulgualid Muhámmad Ibn-Ahmad ibn-Muhámmad ibn-Rushd (un siglo tardaría ese largo nombre en llegar a Averroes, pasando por Benraist y por Avenryz, y aun por Aben-Rassad y Filius Rosadis...
In life’s vast sea, we often drift… Settle for less, giving others a l… Deceived by those with hearts untr… Yet still we rise, our spirits ren… From Florida’s warmth to Indiana’…
No sé. Sólo me llega, en el vener… de tus ojos, la lóbrega noticia de Dios; sólo en tus labios, la ca… de un mundo en mies, de un celesti… ¿Eres limpio cristal, o ventisquer…
God is Love ...God’s mysteries... his miracles… Love a gift from God the creator of life of nature
Hand in hand Hand in hand Many a road to walk Many a beach to stroll Many more trails
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light,
centerYou are standing at the edge… at twilight when something begins to sing, like a waterfall pouring down
A timeless image; a balcony with an ocean; or a prairie full of stars. It doesn’t matter where we are. A garden full of roses;