a purple house
Grateful to all my family, extended family and friends. And that we all see each other, not miss anyone beyond 2020.
May 9, 2022 the proverbial Pandora’s box spill… onto the pearl of the orient seas the eden land long hidden in the mazed jungle of slyness
Valentine’s wish let it be we see the loving of our Lord the healing he does at all times
again to share absolutely singularly a great moment a gift of love
A New Day To Savor Given yet another day to savor Even as we lay in comfort... for The night... as we draw in relish… Breath taken each moment yet still…
save humor here there every where learn to let go
Manila Now green now white Artery of wheels Ceaselessly trotting. Now green now white
Joy to the World Flight Right out the north pole In a sled he goes! Down the solar stream Merrily merrily Ho Ho Hoing
...fossil, forests, and commerce... biking and walking... happy earth day... Once again we reflect on how to reduce the environmental impact of building, manufacturing and commerce, for...
Infinity Walk A Cherished Friendship Nineteen thirty two it all started… A gathering of a few brave men Bright eyed young blood visionarie…
Liquid Wind River flowing slow Out to where it meets the sea Peaceful white caps seen Belies stirring undertow
Life Goes On Soliloquy And the day Is done Sweet lullaby
acts of kindness plant love and kindness spread compassion the joy seeds share the good deeds ***
Lust for Life One by one by one Under dreary darkened sky Waves come break ashore Groundswell across the ocean
to the edges of time the spice of life at all times laughter in the autumn of life more is what we need
fall grandeur awaits where can the pleasure farther be than where my eyes are what I see where aesthetic lies and adventure cries