Hand in hand Hand in hand Many a road to walk Many a beach to stroll Many more trails
Gentle Kiss Love me keep me to the end of time… Wrap me into your soul shine in me… Entwine me within your purple myst… Sole to head flesh to flesh wave l…
Icarus and the moth Don’t fly too high The sun will melt your wings! Don’t go near the flame Knowledge has its price
Abulgualid Muhámmad Ibn-Ahmad ibn-Muhámmad ibn-Rushd (un siglo tardaría ese largo nombre en llegar a Averroes, pasando por Benraist y por Avenryz, y aun por Aben-Rassad y Filius Rosadis...
To step over the low wall that div… Road from concrete walk above the… Brings sharply back something know… The miniature gaiety of seasides. Everything crowds under the low ho…
winter warmest a climate change another most memorable Christmas dinner recipes from great grandma’… kitchen the sweet fragrances of li…
¡Como en el alto llano tu figura se me aparece!... Mi palabra evoca el prado verde y la árida llanura, la zarza en flor, la cenicienta ro… Y al recuerdo obediente, negra enc…
Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. E...
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light,
if you’re going to try, go all the way. otherwise, don’t even start. if you’re going to try, go all the way.
This poem is absolutely non-partisan. None in this has not now and has not previously been reported and saturated over the media. Most lines are repeats from the news. I just put them t...
Not quite four a.m., when the rapt… strikes me from sleep, and I rise from the comfortable bed and go to another room, where my books ar… in their neat and colorful rows. H…
Nth pht Psst! Shh... Psst! Shh... Psst! Tsktsk. Phpht. Tsktsk. Pht! Grr brr grr brr... Pfft! ***
Scatterghost, it can’t float away. And the rain, everybody’s brother, won’t help. And the wind all these… flying like ten crazy sisters ever…
Trundled from the strangeness of the sea —— a kind of heaven —— Ladies and Gentlemen!
Golden Fleece Cargo A whisper a single line Viber not… Like the Tau Alpha of old a campu… To reckon all the Brothers who’ve… For the alpha birthdays of the Ye…
the old L.A. Public Library burn… down that library downtown and with it went large part of my
Heart Eternal To You I Give The red striped white heart with r… To you I give The Hallmark Valentines fold out…
centerYou are standing at the edge… at twilight when something begins to sing, like a waterfall pouring down
all aboard train to the one life we long for peace paradise no fares no tickets four seasons earth scenic route
On the way to who knows where; who knows where we’ll end up. Enjoy the trails we’ve travelled t… they won’t be there again, for me… Discover every day, everyday;
All We Need No Room For Hate Nests are conceived with love Long before a piece of leaf lifted A beakfull by tiny beakfull of mud…
Eternity Eighty five years old Seem to be not much at all For the celebrant Eighty five years old
Fleeting Sun Air I see you today The sun felt warm so suddenly Again the soft wind caresses Invigorates so calmly.
creatures like me locking eyes i commune with the squirrels who does not talk to squirrels? i commune with things beautiful
Is Is Is The Moment Saw Heard Spoke
Gothic Shadows the impalers Out from the cavernous Dark womb fly vampires zombies Winged shadows of death
Thrive [“...life goes on...” Millay, Fro… gale winds trees shaken let loose pollen ambrosia
It seemed an unlikely match. All… grinding its teeth in a plastic sl… nose-down from a hook in the darkr… under the hatch in the floor. When… it knocked back a quarter-pint of…
Happy Valentine’s Day Poetry is everywhere look around It is nature alive connected aboun… Wanted to touch give and share Longing to be touched and to care
What is your substance, whereof ar… That millions of strange shadows o… Since every one hath, every one, o… And you, but one, can every shadow… Describe Adonis, and the counterf…
A timeless image; a balcony with an ocean; or a prairie full of stars. It doesn’t matter where we are. A garden full of roses;
Stolen It is all spread out there Here to eternity beyond the horizo… All the light colors yet to be bro… Sparkling over the visible spectru…
Romance Romance Is Love In
Sun Air . . . Warm Air season long Now cold breezes suddenly Thermal hugs kindling
Hers is the clean apron, good for… Or lamp to embroider, as we talk s… In the long kitchen, while the whi… Turns to pastry in the great oven, Sweetly and surely as hay making
No sé. Sólo me llega, en el vener… de tus ojos, la lóbrega noticia de Dios; sólo en tus labios, la ca… de un mundo en mies, de un celesti… ¿Eres limpio cristal, o ventisquer…
Dance On Air If I can only do fly like a bird If I can only soar like an eagle And sing sweet calls like a nighti… And mimic for love like mockingbir…
The Backyard Walkway Poetry Everywhere You retreat from yourself disengag… Precisely before dinner you sweep… Routine but not the quiet meditati…
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time f… And time future contained in time… If all time is eternally present All time is unredeemable.
America Can’t Breathe This is the Big Apple I am an entrepreneur Just selling cigarettes on the sid… Please I can’t breathe
His heart’s been smitten From the first time he saw her Since then, none other In a breath, he knew ‘twas love She’s the angel from above
too much too little too fat too thin or nobody.
Quiet Morn Woke up early strange Noon to late my normal time Something quite insane Did not hear bush birds singing
Greenflash the Iguana dance . . . Sun sets
In the past Anyone on the far right or far lef… Could look all the way across the… And see their opposite On the far right or far left
God’s Poetry I read poetry hear colors touch sh… Glory I behold mine ears caressed… Incense scented waves of auroras d… Rainbow wheel like jelly fish in s…
May 9, 2022 the proverbial Pandora’s box spill… onto the pearl of the orient seas the eden land long hidden in the mazed jungle of slyness
It is the first mild day of March… Each minute sweeter than before, The redbreast sings from the tall… That stands beside our door. There is a blessing in the air,
Those long uneven lines Standing as patiently As if they were stretched outside The Oval or Villa Park, The crowns of hats, the sun
Wonderful Sun Wonderful River snow is it Over flow snow flow over It is snow river wonderful sun wonderful
Beyond Nine Lives The Gargoyles Of Notre Dame Nine lives in gothic art stained g… Scroll works of remembrances stenc… Change and resurrection the nine l…
Our shells clacked on the plates. My tongue was a filling estuary, My palate hung with starlight: As I tasted the salty Pleiades Orion dipped his foot into the wat…
Unbroken Sail On Dear Brother Bright blue beads sprouted yet sin… With the same aspirations purposes… Honor and pride dreams and despair…
Time, we both know, will decay Yo… I’m scared of our divorce: I’ve s… Remember: when Le bon Dieu says t… Please, please, for His sake and… To my piteous Don’ts, but bugger…
Sparrow A Gift of Joy Out from mother
Bring me to the blasted oak That I, midnight upon the stroke, (All find safety in the tomb.) May call down curses on his head Because of my dear Jack that’s de…
spread light spread love outside our bubble sun’s universe outer space been said lies the all more expanse no bounds
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa and Rudolph Chipmunks are out singing Bulging cheeks not misbehaving Squirrels in snow been hiding runn…
Understand, I am always trying to… what the soul is, and where hidden, and what shape and so, last week,