#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #PoemsOfPower
[In an interview with Lawrence Ba… Not to the crowded East, Where, in a well-worn groove, Like the harnessed wheel of a grea… The trammelled mind must move—
If I should die, how kind you all… In that strange hour I would not… There are no words too beautiful t… Of one who goes forevermore away Across that ebbing tide which has…
You call me an angel of love and o… A being of goodness and heavenly f… Sent out from God’s kingdom to gu… In paths where your spirit may mou… You say that I glow like a star o…
I called to the wind of the Winte… As he sped like a steed on his way… ‘Oh! rest for awhile on thy journe… And answer these questions, I pra… ’Who is the foe to all virtue,
Are you loving enough? There is s… Some one you hold as the dearest o… In the holiest shrine of your hear… Are you making it known? Is the t… To the one you love? If death’s q…
Talk happiness. The world is sad… Without your woes. No path is who… Look for the places that are smoot… And speak of those, to rest the we… Of Earth, so hurt by one continuo…
However the battle is ended, Though proudly the victor comes, With flaunting flags and neighing… And echoing roll of drums; Still truth proclaims this motto
In the warm yellow smile of the mo… She stands at the lattice pane, And watches the strong young binde… Stride down to the fields of grain… And she counts them over and over
To sin by silence, when we should… Makes cowards out of men. The hum… Has climbed on protest. Had no vo… Against injustice, ignorance and l… The Inquisition yet would serve t…
I was smoking a cigarette; Maud, my wife, and the tenor McKe… Were singing together a blithe due… And days it were better I should… Came suddenly back to me,
If I were a raindrop, and you wer… I would burst from the cloud above… And lie on your breast in a raptur… And love you, love you, love you. If I were a brown bee, and you we…
He who possesses virtue at its bes… Or greatness in the true sense of… Has one day started even with that… Whose swift feet now speed, but at… It is the same force in the human…
‘What’s in a glass of wine?’ There, set the glass where I can… Now listen to me, friend, while I… And tell you what I see– What I behold with my far-reachin…
I have not the gift of vision, I have not the psychic ear, And the realms that are called El… I neither see nor hear; Yet oft when the shadows darken
Am I know not whence I came, I know not whither I go; But the fact stands clear that I… In this world of pleasure and woe.