#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #PoemsOfPower
After the May time and after the… Rare with blossoms and perfume swe… Cometh the round world’s royal noo… The red midsummer of blazing heat, When the sun, like an eye that nev…
Oh, you who read some song that I… What know you of the soul from whe… Dost dream the poet ever speaks al… His secret thought unto the listen… Go take the murmuring sea-shell fr…
Don’t look for the flaws as you go… And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat… And look for the virtue behind the… For the cloudiest night has a hint…
Two dead men boarded a spectral sh… In the astral Port of Space; On that ghost-filled barque, they… And halted, face to face. ‘Now whither away’– called one of…
All the aim of life is just Getting back to God. Spirit casting off its dust, Getting back to God. Every grief we have to bear
Do you remember the name I wore— The old pet-name of Little Queen… In the dear, dead days that are no… The happiest days of our lives, I… For we loved with that passionate…
Quite carelessly I turned the new… A song I sang, full many a year a… Smiled up at me, as in a busy stre… One meets an old-time friend he us… So full it was, that simple little…
We know not what lies in us, till… Men dive for pearls—they are not f… The hillsides most unpromising and… Do sometimes hide the ore. Go, dive in the vast ocean of thy…
Life, like a romping schoolboy, fu… Doth bear us on his shoulder for a… There is no path too steep for him… With strong, lithe limbs, as agile… As some young roe, he speeds by va…
I am tired to-night, and something… The wind maybe, or the rain, Or the cry of a bird in the copse… Has brought back the past and its… And I feel as I sit here thinking…
In the face of the sun are great t… And the storm-clouds have shut out… But a Rainbow of Promise now shin… And the universe thrills at the si… Tis the flag of our Union, the re…
What is flirtation? Really, How can I tell you that? But when she smiles I see its wil… And when he lifts his hat. ’Tis walking in the moonlight,
Somebody’s baby was buried to-day… The empty white hearse from the gr… And the morning somehow seemed les… As I paused on the sidewalk while… And a shadow seemed drawn o’er the…
I have not the gift of vision, I have not the psychic ear, And the realms that are called El… I neither see nor hear; Yet oft when the shadows darken
There was a sound in the wind to-d… Like a joyous cymbal ringing! And the leaves of the trees talked… And they altogether were singing, For they knew that an army, both b…