#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #PoemsOfPower
I think men’s great capacity for p… Proves his immortal birthright. I… No merely human mind could bear th… Of some tremendous sorrows we endu… Art’s most ingenious breastworks f…
I have listened to the sighing of… I have heard it change to crying,… I have seen the money-getters pass… As they went to forge new fetters… Then the voice of Labour thundere…
I’m sick of 'musn’ts,' said Dorot… Sick of musn’ts, as I can be. From early dawn till the close of… I hear a musn’t, and never a may. It’s 'you musn’t lie there like a…
If we sit down at set of sun, And count the things that we have… And counting, find One self-denying act, one word That eased the heart of him who he…
There sat two glasses, filled to t… On a rich man’s table, rim to rim. One was ruddy and red as blood, And one was clear as the crystal f… Said the glass of wine to his pale…
If the sad old world should jump a… Sometime, in its dizzy spinning, And go off the track with a sudden… What an end would come to the sinn… What a rest from strife and the bu…
Oh! the maidens of France are cer… And I think every fellow will sta… That the 'what-you-may-call-it’ co… They put up their hair is great! And they know how to dress, and th…
On the white throat of useless pas… That scorched my soul with its bur… I clutched my fingers in murderous… And gathered them close in a grip… For why should I fan, or feed wit…
A little leaf just in the forest’s… All summer long, had listened to t… Of amorous brids that flew across… Singing their blithe sweet songs f… So many were the flattering things…
Don’t look for the flaws as you go… And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat… And look for the virtue behind the… For the cloudiest night has a hint…
When mighty issues loom before us,… The petty great men of the day see… Like pigmies standing in a blaze o… Before some grim majestic mountain… War, with its bloody and impartial…
There are ghosts in the room. As I sit here alone, from the dar… They come out of the gloom, And they stand at my side and they… There’s the ghost of a Hope
I was in Dijon when the war’s wil… Was at its loudest; when there was… From dawn to dawn, save soldiers m… Or rattle of their wagons in the s… When every engine whistle would re…
If I could clasp my little babe Upon my breast to-night, I would not mind the blowing wind That shrieketh in affright. Oh, my lost babe! my little babe,
I’m pardoned out. Again the stars Shine on me with their myriad eyes… So long I’ve peered ‘twixt iron b… I’m awed by this expanse of skies. The world is wider than I thought…