A shrimp who sought his lady shrim… Could catch no glimpse Not even a glimp. At times, translucence Is rather a nuisance.
Beneath this slab John Brown is stowed. He watched the ads And not the road.
Some singers sing of ladies’ eyes, And some of ladies lips, Refined ones praise their ladylike… And course ones hymn their hips. The Oxford Book of English Verse
First a little Then a lottle
I’ve never seen an abominable snow… I’m hoping not to see one, I’m also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one.
Now when I have a cold I am careful with my cold, I consult a physician And I do as I am told. I muffle up my torso
I find it very difficult to enthus… Over the current news. Just when you think that at least… And that is why I do not like the…
This one is entering her teens, Ripe for sentimental scenes, Has picked a gangling unripe male, Sees herself in a bridal veil, Presses lips and tosses head,
Affection is a noble quality; It leads to generosity and jollity… But it also leads to breach of pro… If you go around lavishing it on r…
I find it very hard to be fair-min… About people who go around being a… I just can’t see any fun In soaring up up up into the sun When the chances are still a fresh…
Candy Is Dandy But liquor Is quicker.
A mighty creature is the germ, Though smaller than a pachyderm. His customary dwelling place Is deep within the human race. His childish pride he often please…
When I remember bygone days I think how evening follows morn; So many I loved were not yet dead… So many I love were not yet born.
Enter, breath; Breath, slip out; Blood, be channeled, And wind about. O, blessed breath and blood which…
Barber, barber, come and get me; Hairy torrents irk and fret me. Hair and hair again appears; And climbs like ivy round my ears. Hair across my collar gambols;