I sit in an office at 244 Madison… And say to myself You have a resp… Why then do you fritter away your… If you have a sore throat you can… If you have a sore foot you can ge…
When I remember bygone days I think how evening follows morn; So many I loved were not yet dead… So many I love were not yet born.
Let’s straighten this out, my litt… And reach an agreement if we can. I entered your door as an honored… My shoes are shined and my trouser… And I won’t stretch out and read…
Whales have calves, Cats have kittens, Bears have cubs, Bats have bittens, Swans have cygnets,
O Duty, Why hast thou not the visage of a… Why displayest thou the countenanc… conscientious organizing spinster That the minute you see her you ar…
Candy Is Dandy But liquor Is quicker.
Senescence begins And middle age ends The day your descendents Outnumber your friends.
Now when I have a cold I am careful with my cold, I consult a physician And I do as I am told. I muffle up my torso
So Thomas Edison Never drank his medicine; So Blackstone and Hoyle Refused cod-liver oil; So Sir Thomas Malory
A bit of talcum Is always walcum.
Bound to your bookseller, leap to… Deluge your dealer with bakshish a… Lean on the counter and never say… Wodehouse and Wooster are with us… Flourish the fish-slice, your butt…
People who have what they want are… And I wish I could afford to gath… I dont’ mind their having a lot of… But I do think that they damn wel… But no, they insist on being steal…
May I join you in the doghouse, R… I wish to retire till the party’s… Since three o’clock I’ve done my… To entertain each tiny guest. My… And if they want me, let them find…
I didn’t go to church today, I trust the Lord to understand. The surf was swirling blue and whi… The children swirling on the sand. He knows, He knows how brief my s…
One cantaloupe is ripe and lush, Another’s green, another’s mush. I’d buy a lot more cantaloupe If I possessed a fluoroscope.