In Baltimore there lived a boy. He wasn’t anybody’s joy. Although his name was Jabez Dawes… His character was full of flaws. In school he never led his classes…
A girl whose cheeks are covered wi… Has an advantage with me over one…
He tells you when you’ve got on t… And helps you with your girdle wh…
I would live all my life in noncha… Were it not for making a living, w…
The cow is of bovine ilk; One end is moo, the other is milk.
Unwillingly Miranda wakes, Feels the sun with terror, One unwilling step she takes, Shuddering to the mirror. Miranda in Miranda’s sight
This is my dream, It is my own dream, I dreamt it. I dreamt that my hair was kempt. Then I dreamt that my true love u…
As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven lives; Seven lives, In seven sacks, Like seven beeves
I sit in an office at 244 Madison… And say to myself You have a resp… Why then do you fritter away your… If you have a sore throat you can… If you have a sore foot you can ge…
In January everything freezes. We have two children. Both are sh… This is our January rule: One girl in bed, and one in school… In February the blizzard whirls.
Though you know it anyhow Listen to me, darling, now, Proving what I need not prove How I know I love you, love. Near and far, near and far,
May I join you in the doghouse, R… I wish to retire till the party’s… Since three o’clock I’ve done my… To entertain each tiny guest; My conscience now I’ve left behin…
A child need not be very clever To learn that “Later, dear” means…
Geniuses of countless nations Have told their love for generatio… Till all their memorable phrases Are common as goldenrod or daisies… Their girls have glimmered like th…
They tell me that euphoria is the… well, today I feel euphorian, Today I have the agility of a Gre… Victorian. Yes, today I may even go forth wi…