#AmericanWriters #FemaleWriters #PoemsOfPower
I shall not forget you. The years… But vain are their efforts to soft… And the strong hands of Time are… To garland the grave that is made… Your image is ever about me, befor…
At Box Hill, Surrey A modern hour from London (as we… Into a silver thread the miles of… Between us and our goal), there is… Apart from city traffic, dust, and…
Do you wish the world were better? Let me tell you what to do: Set a watch upon your actions, Keep them always straight and true… Rid your mind of selfish motives;
A rose in my garden, the sweetest… Was hanging her head through the l… And early one morning I saw her t… And heard a low gossiping talk in… The yellow Nasturtium, a spinster…
If all the year was summer time, And all the aim of life Was just to lilt on like a rhyme, Then I would be your wife. If all the days were August days,
Beside an incubator stood The would-be mother of a brood. With drooping wings and nodding he… These are the clucked-out words sh… ‘O, vile invention of the age,
GOOD-BYE to the cradle, the dea… The rude hand of Progress has thr… No more to its motion o’er sleep’s… Our play-weary wayfarers peacefull… No more by the rhythm of slow-movi…
How can I wait until you come to… The once fleet mornings linger by… Their sunny smiles touched with ma… At my unrest, they seem to pause,… Like truant children, while I sig…
The roses all were pink and red, Before the Bumble Bee, A lover bold, with cloak of gold, Came singing merrily Along the sunlit ways that led
I do not undertake to say That literal answers come from He… But I know this—that when I pray A comfort, a support is given That helps me rise o’er earthly th…
All perfect things are saddening i… The autumn wood robed in its scarl… The matchless tinting on the royal… Whose velvet leaf by no least flaw… Love’s supreme moment, when the so…
Into the gloom of the deep, dark n… With panting breath and a startled… Swift as a bird in sudden flight Darts this creature of steel and s… Awful dangers are lurking nigh,
When Tom and I were married, we t… I had a taste for singing and play… And Tom, who loved to hear me, sa… I would not stop All practice, like so many wives w…
I knew that a baby was hid in that… Though I saw no cradle and heard… But the husband was tip-toeing ‘ro… And the good wife was humming a so… And there was a look on the face o…
The earth is yours and mine, Our God’s bequest. That testament divine Who dare contest? Usurpers of the earth,