Behold the hippopotamus! We laugh at how he looks to us, And yet in moments dank and grim, I wonder how we look to him. Peace, peace, thou hippopotamus!
I don’t mind eels Except as meals. And the way they feels.
The rhino is a homely beast, For human eyes he’s not a feast. Farwell, farewell, you old rhinoce… I’ll stare at something less prepo…
I didn’t go to church today, I trust the Lord to understand. The surf was swirling blue and whi… The children swirling on the sand. He knows, He knows how brief my s…
So Thomas Edison Never drank his medicine; So Blackstone and Hoyle Refused cod-liver oil; So Sir Thomas Malory
How pleasant to sit on the beach, On the beach, on the sand, in the… With ocean galore within reach, And nothing at all to be done! No letters to answer,
Celery, raw Develops the jaw, But celery, stewed, Is more quietly chewed.
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two… Someone sailed the ocean blue. Somebody borrowed the fare in Spa… For a business trip on the boundin… And to prove to the people, by act…
Who wants my jellyfish? I’m not sellyfish!
I’ve never seen an abominable snow… I’m hoping not to see one, I’m also hoping, if I do, That it will be a wee one.
Whales have calves, Cats have kittens, Bears have cubs, Bats have bittens, Swans have cygnets,
When the thunder stalks the sky, When tickle-footed walks the fly, When shirt is wet and throat is dr… Look, my darling, thats July. Through the grassy lawn be leather…
Candy Is Dandy But liquor Is quicker.
Purity Is obscurity.
One thing that literature would be… Would be a more restricted employm… metaphor. Authors of all races, be they Gre… Can’t seem just to say that anythi…