Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Our thoughts are moulding unmade spheres,
     And, like a blessing or a curse,
They thunder down the formless years,
     And ring throughout the universe.
We build our futures by the shape
     Of our desires, and not by acts.
There is no pathway of escape;
     No priest-made creeds can alter facts.
Salvation is not begged or bought;
     Too long this selfish hope sufficed;
Too long man reeked with lawless thought,
     And leaned upon a tortured Christ.
Like shrivelled leaves, these worn-out creeds
     Are dropping from Religion’s tree;
The world begins to know its needs,
     And souls are crying to be free.
Free from the load of fear and grief,
     Man fashioned in an ignorant age;
Free from the ache of unbelief
     He fled to in rebellious rage.
No church can bind him to the things
     That fed the first crude souls, evolved;
For, mounting up on daring wings,
     He questions mysteries all unsolved.
Above the chant of priests, above
     The blatant voice of braying doubt,
He hears the still, small voice of Love,
     Which sends its simple message out.
And clearer, sweeter, day by day,
     Its mandate echoes from the skies,
“Go roll the stone of self away,
     And let the Christ within thee rise.”
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