#AmericanWriters #1973 #AtTerrorStreetAndAgonyWay #BurningInWaterDrowningInFlame
sitting in a dark bedroom with 3 j… female. brown paper bags filled with trash… everywhere. is one-thirty in the afternoon.
I mean, I just slept I awoke with a fly on my elbow and I named the fly Benny then I killed him and then I got up and looked in th…
When I awakened a few hours later, Tanya was not in the bed. It was only 9 am. I found her sitting on the couch drinking out of a pint of whiskey. “I always get up at noon. We’re going ...
I had begun to dislike my father. He was always angry about something. Wherever we went he got into arguments with people. But he didn’t appear to frighten most people; they often just ...
Sam the whorehouse man has squeaky shoes and he walks up and down the court squeaking and talking to
sitting on a 2nd-floor porch at 1:… while looking out over the city. could be worse. we needn’t accomplish great things…
A couple of nights later Becker walked in. I guess my parents gave him my address or he located me through the college. I had my name and address listed with the employment division at ...
the higher you climb the greater the pressure. those who manage to endure learn
we tried to hide it in the house s… neighbors wouldn’t see. was difficult, sometimes we both h… be gone at once and when we return… there would be excreta and urine a…
he’s 17 . mother, he said, how do I crack an egg? all right, she said to me, you don… sit there looking like that.
the strong men the muscle men there they sit down at the beach cocoa tans
the problem, of course, isn’t the… it’s the living parts which make up the Dem… the next person you pass on the st… multiply
New Year’s Eve was another bad night for me to get through. My parents had always delighted in New Year’s Eve, listening to it approach on the radio, city by city, until it arrived in L...
god I got the sad blue blues, this woman sat there and she said are you really Charles Bukowski?
In the betting line the other day man behind me asked, “are you Henry Chinaski?”