for Steve Richmond
I awakened to dryness and the fern… the potted plants yellow as corn; my woman was gone and the empty bottles like bled co… surrounded me with their uselessne…
Some say we should keep personal r… poem, stay abstract, and there is some r… but jezus; twelve poems gone and I don’t keep…
I am watching a girl dressed in a light green sweater, blue shorts,… there is a necklace of some sort but her breasts are small, poor th… and she watches her nails
Slipping keenly into bright ashes, target of vanilla tears your sure body lit candles for men on dark nights, and now your night is darker
The next time you listen to Borod… remember he was just a chemist who wrote music to relax; his house was jammed with peor e: students, artists, drunkards, bur…
This babe in the grandstand with dyed red hair kept leaning her breasts against me and talking about Gardena poker parlors
I met her somehow through correspo… and she began sending me very sexy… and this being mixed in with a min… confused me somewhat and I got in… through the mountains and valleys…
He hinted at times that I was a bastard and I told him to listen to Brahms, and I told him to learn to paint and drink and not be dominated by women and dollars but he screamed at me, F...
The jew bent over and died. 99 machine guns were shipped to France. somebody w… while I inspected the propeller of an old monoplane
Nothing matters but flopping on a mattress with cheap dreams and a beer as the leaves die and the horses d… and the landladies stare in the ha…
hooray say the roses, today is bla… and we are red as blood. hooray say the roses, today is Wed… and we bloom wher soldiers fell and lovers too,
I have been painting these last tw… it’s not much, you’re correct, but in this tournament great dream… history removes her dress and beco… and I have awakened in the morning
I would, of course, prefer to be w… instead of with a photograph of an… to the sound of the anvil chorus a… girls kicking high, showing everyt… but I might as well be dead right…
it is like this when you slip down, done like a wound-up victrola (you remember those?) and you go downtown
there was a frozen tree that I wan… but the shells came down and in Vegas looking across at a g… at 3:30 in the morning, I died without nails, without a co…
They are building a house half a block down and I sit up here with the shades down listening to the sounds,
the bulls are grand as the side of… and although they kill them for th… it is the bull that burns the fire… and although there are cowardly bu… there are cowardly matadors and co…
the boy walks with his muddy feet… soul talking about recitals, virtuosi,… the lesser known novels of Dostoev… talking about how he corrected a w…
red summers and black satin charcoal and blood ringing the sheets while snails are stepped on and moths go batty
in the slow Mexican air I watched… and they cut off his ear, and his… no more terror than a rock. driving back the next day we stopp… and watched the golden red and blu…
it sits outside my window now like and old woman going to market… it sits and watches me, it sweats nevously through wire and fog and dog—bark
he carried a piece of carbon, a blade and a whip and at night he feared his head and covered it with blankets
red-eyed and dizzy as I the bird came flying all the way from Egypt at 5 o’clock in the morning, and Maria almost stumbled on her s…
there are these small cliffs above the sea and it is night, late night; I have been unable to sleep, and with my car above me
don’t ever get the idea I am a poe… at the racetrack any day half drun… betting quarters, sidewheelers and… but let me tell you, there are som… who go where the money goes, and s…
I cross the room to the last wall the last window the last pink sun with its arms around the world
yes, they begin out in a willow, I… the starch mountains begin out in… and keep right on going without re… pumas and nectarines somehow these mountains are like
at the window I watch a man with a power mower the sounds of his doing race like flies and bees
3 small boys run toward me blowing whistles and they scream you’re under arrest! you’re drunk!
she came to my place drunk riding a deer up on the front porc… so many women want to save the wor… but can’t keep their own kitchens… but me...
they laugh continually even when a board falls down and destroys a face or distorts a
this is important enough: to get your feelings down, it is better than shaving or cooking beans with garlic. it is the little we can do
here I am in the ground my mouth open and
I feel gypped by dunces as if reality were the property of little men with luck and a headstart, and I sit in the cold
we have everything and we have not… and some men do it in churches and some men do it by tearing butt… in half and some men do it in Palm Spring…
sway with me, everything sad— madmen in stone houses without doors, lepers steaming love and song frogs trying to figure
the essence of the belly like a white balloon sacked is disturbing like the running of feet on the stairs
I’ll settle for the 6 horse on a rainy afternoon a paper cup of coffee in my hand a little way to go,
yeah sure, I’ll be in unless I’m… don’t knock if the lights are out or you hear voices or then I might be reading Proust if someone slips Proust under my d…
in grievous deity my cat walks around he walks around and around with electric tail and
stew at noon, my dear; and look: the ants, the sawdust, the mica plants, the shadows of banks like bad jokes; do you think we’ll hear
the lilies storm my brain by god by god like nazi storm troopers! do you think I’m going tizzy?
the dead can sleep they don’t get up and rage they don’t have a wife. her white face like a flower in a closed
in the earliest possible day in the blue-headed noon I will telegraph you a boney hand decorated with
she wrote me a letter from a small room near the Seine. she said she was going to dancing class, she got up, she said at 5 o’clock in the morning
she reads to me from the New York… which I don’t buy, don’t know how they get in here, but it’s something about the Mafia one of the heads of the Mafia
this head like a saucer decorated with everything as lip to lip we hang in mechanical joy; my hands blaze with arias
yesterday drunken Alice gave me a jar of fig jam and today she whistles
ask the sidewalk painters of Paris ask the sunlight on a sleeping dog ask the 3 pigs ask the paperboy ask the music of Donizetti
the virus holds the concepts give way like rotten shoelaces toothache and bacon dance on the lawn
a very miraculous thing just happe… my beerbottle flipped over backwar… and landed on its bottom on the fl… and I have set it upon the table t… but the photos were not so lucky t…
I have been hanging here headless for so long that the body has forgotten
he was easy, fat as a hummingbird and I had him blowing, I jabbed and crossed and took my t… everybody was waiting for the main… drinking beer, and I was thinking
the branches break, the birds fall… the whores stand straight, the bombs stack, evening, morning, night, peanutbutter,
I watched the board and the 6 drop… after a first flash of 18 from a m… of 12...two minutes to post and a… kept jamming against my back, but… I bet 20 to win and walked out to…
the droll noon where squadrons of worms creep up like stripteasers to be raped by blackbirds. I go outside
30 dogs, 20 men on 20 horses and o… and look here, they write, you are a dupe for the state, the… you are in the ego-dream, read your history, study the monet…
I have been looking at the same lampshade for 5 years and it has gathered
it is not very good to not get through whether it’s the wall the human mind
they found him walking along the f… all red in front he had taken a rusty tin can and cut off his sexual