#AmericanWriters #1973 #AtTerrorStreetAndAgonyWay #BurningInWaterDrowningInFlame
we tried to hide it in the house s… neighbors wouldn’t see. was difficult, sometimes we both h… be gone at once and when we return… there would be excreta and urine a…
majestic, majic infinite my little girl is sun on the carpet—
my mother, father and I walked to the market once a week for our government relief food: cans of beans, cans of
being the German kid in the 20’s i… was difficult. there was much anti-German feeling… a carry-over from World War 1. gangs of kids chased me through th…
at high noon at a small college near the beach sober the sweat running down my arms a spot of sweat on the table
It was noon the next day when the phone rang. It was Lydia again. I heard a long insane wail like a wolverine shot in the arctic snow and left to bleed and die alone. . . . I slept most...
You had to fill out more papers to get out than to get in. The first page they gave you was a personalized mimeo affair from the postmaster of the city. It began: “I am sorry you are te...
was on the train to Del Mar and I… to go to the bar car. I had a beer… back and sat down. pardon me,” said the lady next to… sitting in my husband’s seat.”
I met a genius on the train today about 6 years old, he sat beside me and as the train
shot off his left ear then his right, and then tore off his belt buckle with hot lead, and then
it is like this when you slip down, done like a wound-up victrola (you remember those?) and you go downtown
the other day I’m out at the track betting Early Bird that’s when you bet at the track before it opens)
places to hunt places to hide are getting harder to find, and pet canaries and goldfish too, did you… that?
a woman, a tire that’s flat, a disease, a desire: fears in front of you, fears that hold so still
and the subnormal. all through grammar school junior high high school junior college