#AmericanWriters #1973 #AtTerrorStreetAndAgonyWay #BurningInWaterDrowningInFlame
Her father really hated me. He thought I was after his money. I didn’t want his god damned money. And I didn’t even want his god damned precious daughter. The only time I ever saw him w...
Frank liked airplanes. He lent me all his pulp magazines about World War 1. The best was Flying Aces. The dog-fights were great, the Spads and the Fokkers mixing it. I read all the stor...
Everybody had gym period at the same time. Baldy’s locker was about four or five down from mine in the same row. I went to my locker early. Baldy and I had a similar problem. We hated w...
the Egyptians loved the cat were often entombed with it instead of with the women and never with the dog but now
all the women all their kisses the different ways they love and talk and need. their ears they all have
my friend is worried about dying he lives in Frisco I live in L.A. he goes to the gym and works with the iron and hits
it was Philly and the bartender sa… what and I said, gimme a draft, J… got to get the nerves straight, I’… going to look for a job. you, he s… a job?
this one always arrives at the wrong time a basically good sort I suppose an honest man
the German hotel was very strange… double doors to the rooms, very th… looked the park and the vasser ter… it was usually too late for breakf… would be everywhere changing sheet…
I cut the middle fingernail of the… finger right hand real short and I began rubbing along her cunt
I got in the shower and burned my balls last Wednesday. met this painter called Spain, no, he was a cartoonist,
she’s from Texas and weighs 103 pounds and stands before the mirror combing oceans of reddish hair
my first and only wife painted and she talked to me about it: it’s all so painful
washed—up, on shore, the old yello… out again I write from the bed as I did last year.
people went into vacant lots and pulled up greens to cook and the men rolled Bull Durham or smoked Wings (10 a pack) and the dogs were thin and the cats were thin and the cats learned h...