Your hopeless patients will live, Your healthy patients will die. I have only this word to give: Wonder, and find out why
There is one thing that ought to b… Which is that people ought to be t… I don’t mean the kind of apologies… Because I think that is sort of s… No, I object to one kind of apolo…
One would be in less danger From the wiles of a stranger If one’s own kin and kith Were more fun to be with.
I test my bath before I sit, And I’m always moved to wondermen… That what chills the finger not a… Is so frigid upon the fundament.
I objurgate the centipede, A bug we do not really need. At sleepy-time he beats a path Straight to the bedroom or the bat… You always wallop where he’s not,
I sit in an office at 244 Madison… And say to myself You have a resp… Why then do you fritter away your… If you have a sore throat you can… If you have a sore foot you can ge…
A shrimp who sought his lady shrim… Could catch no glimpse Not even a glimp. At times, translucence Is rather a nuisance.
He who is ridden by a conscience Worries about a lot of nonscience; He without benefit of scruples His fun and income soon quadruples…
Hypochondriacs Spend the winter at the bottom of… the Adirondriacs. You go to Paris and live on champ… If you’re dipsomognac.
Some primal termite knocked on woo… And tasted it, and found it good! And that is why your Cousin May Fell through the parlor floor toda…
Oh, “rorty” was a mid-Victorian w… Which meant “fine, splendid, jolly… And often to me it has reoccurred In moments melancholy. For instance, children, I think i…
He tells you when you’ve got on t… And helps you with your girdle wh…
Some singers sing of ladies’ eyes, And some of ladies lips, Refined ones praise their ladylike… And course ones hymn their hips. The Oxford Book of English Verse
Whales have calves, Cats have kittens, Bears have cubs, Bats have bittens, Swans have cygnets,
O all ye exorcizers come and exorcize now, and ye clergymen draw nigh and clerge, For I wish to be purged of an urge. It is an irksome urge, compounded of nettles and glue, And it is...