William Barnes
Ov all the cows, among the rest
Wer woone that Nanny lik’d the best;
An’ after milken us’d to stan’
A-veeden o’ her, vrom her han’,
   Wi’ grass or hay; an’ she know’d Ann,
   An’ in the evenen she did come
   The vu’st, a-beaeten uep roun’ hwome
       Vor Ann to come an’ milk her.
Her back wer hollor as a bow,
Her lags wer short, her body low;
Her head wer small, her horns turn’d in
Avore Her feaece so sharp’s a pin:
Her eyes wer vull, her ears wer thin,
   An’ she wer red vrom head to tail,
   An’ didden start nor kick the pail,
       When Nanny zot to milk her.
But losses zoon begun to vall
On Nanny’s father, that wi’ all
His tweil he voun’, wi’ breaken heart,
That he mus’ leaeve his ground, an’ peaert
Wi’ all his beaest an’ hoss an’ cart;
   An’, what did touch en mwost, to zell
   The red cow Nanny lik’d so well,
       An’ lik’d vor her to milk her.
Zalt tears did run vrom Nanny’s eyes,
To hear her restless father’s sighs.
But as vor me, she mid be sure
I wont vorzeaeke her now she’s poor,
Vor I do love her mwore an’ mwore;
   An’ if I can but get a cow
   An’ parrock, I’ll vulvil my vow,
       An’ she shall come an’ milk her.
Other works by William Barnes...
