When wintry weather’s all a-done, An’ brooks do sparkle in the zun, An’ naisy-builden rooks do vlee Wi’ sticks toward their elem tree; When birds do zing, an’ we can zee
O spread ageaen your leaves an’ fl… Lwonesome woodlands! zunny woodlan… Here underneath the dewy show’rs O’ warm-air’d spring-time, zunny w… As when, in drong or open ground,
Aye, back at Leaedy-Day, you know… I come vrom Gullybrook to Stowe; At Leaedy-Day I took my pack O’ rottletraps, an’ turn’d my back Upon the weather-beaeten door,
Last Easter Jim put on his blue Frock cwoat, the vu’st time—vier n… Wi’ yollow buttons all o’ brass, That glitter’d in the zun lik’ gla… An’ pok’d 'ithin the button-hole
An’ zoo o’ Monday we got drough Our work betimes, an ax’d a vew Young vo’k vrom Stowe an’ Coom, a… Vrom uncle’s down at Grange, to c… An’ they so spry, wi’ merry smiles…
The dock-leaves that do spread so… Up yonder zunny bank’s green zide, Do bring to mind what we did do At play wi’ dock-leaves years agoo… How we,—when nettles had a-stung
Ov all the birds upon the wing Between the zunny showers o’ sprin… Vor all the lark, a-swingen high, Mid zing below a cloudless sky, An’ sparrows, clust’ren roun’ the…
Come, Fanny, come! put on thy whi… ’Tis Woodcom’ feaest, good now! t… Come! think noo mwore, you silly m… O’ chicken drown’d, or ducks a-str… Nor mwope to vind thy new frock’s…
O Poll’s the milk-maid o’ the far… An’ Poll’s so happy out in groun’… Wi’ her white pail below her eaerm As if she wore a goolden crown. An’ Poll don’t zit up half the ni…
The girt woak tree that’s in the d… There’s noo tree I do love so wel… Vor times an’ times when I wer yo… I there’ve a-climbed, an’ there’ve… An’ picked the eacorns green, a-sh…
Aye, the girt elem tree out in lit… Wer a-stannen this mornen, an’ now… Aye, the girt elem tree, so big ro… Where the mowers did goo to their… In the sheaede ov his head, when t…
Ah! John! how I do love to look At theaese green hollor, an’ the b… Among the withies that do hide The stream, a-growen at the zide; An’ at the road athirt the wide
Ah! they vew zummers brought us ro… The happiest days that we’ve a-vou… When in the orcha’d, that did stra… To westward out avore the patch Ov high-bough’d wood, an’ shelve t…
Now the light o’ the west is a-tur… An’ the men be at hwome vrom groun… An’ the bells be a-zenden all down… From tower, their mwoansome sound. An’ the wind is still,
Come out o’ door, ’tis Spring! ’t… The trees be green, the vields be… The weather’s warm, the winter bla… Wi’ all his train o’ clouds, is pa… The zun do rise while vo’k do slee…
Oh! Bob the fiddler is the pride O’ chaps an’ maidens vur an’ wide; They can’t keep up a merry tide, But Bob is in the middle. If merry Bob do come avore ye,
In happy times a while agoo, My lively hope, that’s now a-gone Did stir my heart the whole year d… But mwost when green-bough’d sprin… When I did rove, wi’ litty veet,
WHEN high hot zuns da strik righ… An’ burn our zweaty fiazen brown, An’ zunny hangens that be nigh Be back’d by hills so blue’s the s… Then while the bells da sweetly ch…
If mem’ry, when our hope’s a-gone, Could bring us dreams to cheat us… Ov happiness our hearts voun’ true In years we come too quickly droug… What days should come to me, but y…
Jean ax’d what ribbon she should w… ‘Ithin her bonnet to the feaeir? She had woone white, a-gi’ed her w… She stood at Meaery’s chrissenen; She had woone brown, she had woone…
Zoo you be in your groun’ then, I… A-worken and a-zingen lik’ a bee. How do it answer? what d’ye think… D’ye think ’tis better wi’ it than… A-recknen rent, an’ time, an’ zeed…
Now, Fanny, ’tis too bad, you tea… How leäte you be a’ come! Where h… How long you have a-meäde me waït… I thought you werden gwaïn to come… I had a mind to goo back hwome age…
Now the sheaedes o’ the elems do s… Vrom the low-zinken zun in the wes… An’ the maidens do stand out in cl… The doors, vor to chatty an’ zee v… An’ their cwombs be a-zet in their…
Oh! I be shepherd o’ the farm, Wi’ tinklen bells an’ sheep-dog’s… An’ wi’ my crook a-thirt my eaerm, Here I do rove below the lark. An’ I do bide all day among
Woone’s heart mid leaep wi’ though… In comen manhood light an’ gay When we do teaeke the worold on Vrom our vore-elders dead an’ gone… But days so feaeir in hope’s brigh…
Ees, last Whit-Monday, I an’ Mea… Got up betimes to mind the deaeiry… An’ gi’ed the milken pails a scrub… An’ dress’d, an’ went to zee the c… Vor up at public-house, by ten
Sweet Woodley! oh! how fresh an’… Thy leaenes an’ vields be now in… The while the broad-leav’d clotes… In brooks wi’ gil’cups at the brim… An’ yollow cowslip-beds do grow
When snow-white clouds wer thin an… Avore the zummer sky o’ blue, An’ I’d noo ho but how to vind Zome play to entertain my mind; Along the water, as did wind
O when our zun’s a-zinken low, How soft’s the light his feaece do… Upon the backward road our mind Do turn an’ zee a-left behind; When we, in childhood’s days did v…
When evenen is a-drawen in, I’ll steal vrom others’ naisy din; An’ where the whirlen brook do rol… Below the walnut-tree, I’ll strol… An’ think o’ thee wi’ all my soul,
How happy uncle us’d to be O’ zummer time, when aunt an’ he O’ Zunday evenens, eaerm in eaerm… Did walk about their tiny farm, While birds did zing an’ gnats did…
In leaene the gipsies, as we went A-milken, had a-pitch’d their tent… Between the gravel-pit an’ clump O’ trees, upon the little hump: An’ while upon the grassy groun’
At last Jeaene come down stairs,… Wi’ wedden knots upon her breast, A-blushen, while a tear did lie Upon her burnen cheaek half dry; An’ then her Robert, drawen nigh
The brook I left below the rank Ov alders that do sheaede his bank… A-runnen down to dreve the mill Below the knap, 's a runnen still; The creepen days an’ weeks do vill
Vorgi’e me, Jenny, do! an’ rise Thy hangen head an’ teary eyes, An’ speak, vor I’ve a-took in lie… An’ I’ve a-done thee wrong; But I wer twold,—an’ thought 'twe…
’Tis merry ov a zummer’s day, Where vo’k be out a-meaeken hay; Where men an’ women, in a string, Do ted or turn the grass, an’ zing… Wi’ cheemen vaices, merry zongs,
’Tis merry ov a zummer’s day, When vo’k be out a-haulen hay, Where boughs, a-spread upon the gr… Do meaeke the staddle big an’ roun… An’ grass do stand in pook, or lie
That’s slowish work, Bob. What’st… Thy pooken don’t goo on not over s… Why I’ve a-pook’d my weaele, lo’k… An’ here I be ageaen a-turnen bac… I’ll work wi’ thee then, Sammy, a…
When we in mornen had a-drow’d The grass or russlen hay abrode, The lit’some maidens an’ the chaps… Wi’ bits o’ nunchens in their laps… Did all zit down upon the knaps
His aunt an’ uncle,—ah! the kind Wold souls be often in my mind: A better couple never stood In shoes, an’ vew be voun’ so good… _She_ cheer’d the work-vo’k in the…
When sheaedes do vall into ev’ry h… An’ reach vrom trees half athirt t… An’ banks an’ walls be a-looken yo… That be a-turn’d to the zun gwain… Drough hay in cock, O,
The dreven scud that overcast The zummer sky is all a-past, An’ softer air, a-blowen drough The quiv’ren boughs, do sheaeke th… Last rain drops off the leaves lik…
When vu’st along theaese road vrom… I zeed ye hwome all up the hill, The poplar tree, so straight an’ t… Did rustle by the watervall; An’ in the leaeze the cows wer all
(Water-lily.) O zummer clote! when the brook’s a… So slow an’ smooth down his zedgy… Upon thy broad leaves so seaefe a-… The water’s top wi’ thy yollow hea…
I got two vields, an’ I don’t cea… What squire mid have a bigger shea… My little zummer-leaeze do stratch All down the hangen, to a patch O’ meaed between a hedge an’ rank
Ah! yesterday, d’ye know, I voun’ Tom Dumpy’s cwoat an’ smock-frock… Below the pollard out in groun’; An’ zoo I slyly stole An’ took the smock-frock up, an’ t…
Sweet Be’mi’ster, that bist a-bou… By green an’ woody hills all round… Wi’ hedges, reachen up between A thousan’ vields o’ zummer green, Where elems’ lofty heads do drow
As I wer out in meaed last week, A-thatchen o’ my little rick, There green young ee-grass, ankle-… Did sheen below the cloudless sky; An’ over hedge in tother groun’,
Avore we went a-milken, vive Or six o’s here wer all alive A-teaeken bees that zwarm’d vrom h… An’ we’d sich work to catch The hummen rogues, they led us sic…
As I wer readen ov a stwone In Grenley church-yard all alwone… A little maid ran up, wi’ pride To zee me there, an’ push’d a-zide A bunch o’ bennets that did hide
Come out to the parrock, come out… The maidens an’ chaps be a-waiten… There’s Jim wi’ his fiddle to pla… Come out along wi’ us, an’ fling u… Come, all the long grass is a-mow’…
There’s what the vo’k do call a ve… Out there, lo’k zee. Why, ’tis an… Ah! zoo do seem. I wunder how do… What is it that do meaeke it, I d… Be hang’d if I can tell, I’m sure…
The windless copse ha’ sheaedy bou… Wi’ blackbirds’ evenen whistles; The hills ha’ sheep upon their bro… The zummerleaeze ha’ thistles: The meaeds be gay in grassy May,
Ah! yesterday, you know, we carr’d The piece o’ corn in Zidelen Plot… An’ work’d about it pretty hard, An’ vound the weather pretty hot. ‘Twer all a-tied an’ zet upright
Since we wer striplens naighbour… The good wold merry times be gone: But we do like to think upon What we’ve a-zeed an’ done. When I wer up a hardish lad,
Zoo after supper wer a-done, They clear’d the teaebles, an’ beg… To have a little bit o’ fun, As long as they mid stop. The wold woones took their pipes t…
The ground is clear. There’s nar… O’ stannen corn a-left out now, Vor win’ to blow or rain to drow; ’Tis all up seaefe in barn or mow. Here’s health to them that plough’…
Ah! Jimmy vow’d he’d have the law Ov ouer cousin Poll’s Jack-daw, That had by day his withy jail A-hangen up upon a nail, Ageaen the elem tree, avore
Upon theaese knap I’d sooner be The ivy that do climb the tree, Than bloom the gayest rwose a-tied An’ trimm’d upon the house’s zide. The rwose mid be the maidens’ prid…
When in the evenen the zun’s a-zin… A drowen sheaedes vrom the yollow… An’ mother, weary, 's a-zot a thin… Wi’ vwolded eaerms by the vire at… Then we do zwarm, O,