Peter Cartwright

Thankyou for Your Response to my Facebook Post

I saw your response to my post on Facebook
because my phone dinged as I was walking
under the trees in the cool of the afternoon at the park.
Thankyou for that response that shouted
at me from a square of capitalised text,
vertiginously dragging my attention
from the green surrounds and blue sky
to the angry world of closed minded polemicists.
But you will see Jeffrey, that I carefully,
you might say pedantically, (you may even think
my posts on this pernicious)
set out my case with care.
Did you wander through the links attached?
I think you will find them informative,
you might even find them entertaining
because the writing itself, in Fitzmaurice’s article,
is of the highest quality of beauty,
in language as well as argument.
If you took but a mere moment to reflect,
to allow the air to settle between
the swords of the argument,
you could possibly come to a different view,
or at least entertain the possibility
that the argument can be made
which I believe to be as solid
as the heritage brick cottage
in front of which I stand right now.
As I said, thankyou for your response
Jeffrey, please carefully craft
a response that does not require shouting.
In the meantime, the birds are calling
so I will return to the park in my mind,
and attend to your further thoughts
at a more opportune time.

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