Fay Zwicky wrote in her journal o… “I see the poet as a seismograph o… I had considered more arcane expre… over the years, such as the poet a… but I rather prefer to think of my…
Manufactured from a million ill-fitting participles blinking the [abort] light of syntax error overload, I am that demon
The kookaburra is laughing in the… and I’m deciding to view him as th… that appears in the song I learned… —!!— rather than the annoying jackass t…
Urine is copper coloured these day… burning with anger on the way out. My skin is dry and hot; I never sweat, no matter the temperature. My head feels like it has
Seattle taught me that there’s val… that hovers in the air like an am… with no substance, playing harmle… on your face and in your hair. Seattle taught me that there’s imm…
It looks like a poem at this distance, sure, but it looks like a poem with a bad haircut, given by someone in the midst
The morning brings the cockatoos clicking and clattering on the rai… waiting for the morning feed, eyeing off the company, non-human, just birds. Light yellow crowns
There’s a red tinge to the sky thi… and I can smell the smoke in the a… They say the wall of fire is comin… so we’d better get down to the bea… There’ll be no harvest this year
Hand sanitiser has been such a sol… lately, patrolling the lines of ou… the love-line so we can continue t… but especially the life-line, you… Soap has been a pretty solid citiz…
Only the land remains when all is… as in the beginning so in the end. After his few ticks of time man wi… but in the end all that remains is… Those ancient ones who, having bee…
Dearly beloved body that encases me, animates me, is me, as a matter of fact, thank you for being.
Sly the Sullen Troll sat by the d… that was his bed, under the bridge… and sighed. He stared at his lonel… since he was alone with no friends… since they left when he took a lov…
After an incendiary time when deaths and injuries have bee… so regular as to be almost unremar… after such a time as that the total possessions of a good nu…
Australian summers are hot, even into the night sometimes, and this night at the Family Inn was one of them, soaking shirts t… Some barely remembered Aussie ba…
The air around him was welcoming, his words like quiet music pulled me in, relaxed me, hugged m… He claimed my eyes with his own, wouldn’t let them go, I’m sure he…