#Americans #Blacks
When de fiddle gits to singin’ out… An’ you 'mence to feel a ticklin’… Ef you t’ink you got 'uligion an’… You jes’ bettah tek a hint an’ git… Case de time is mighty temptin’ wh…
They please me not—these solemn so… That hint of sermons covered up. 'T is true the world should heed i… But in a poem let me sup, Not simples brewed to cure or ease
I know a little country place Where still my heart doth linger, And o’er its fields is every grace Lined out by memory’s finger. Back from the lane where poplars g…
She gave a rose, And I kissed it and pressed it. I love her, she knows, And my action confessed it. She gave me a rose,
ALONG by the river of ruin They dally —the thoughtless ones, They dance and they dream By the side of the stream, As long as the river runs.
I THINK that though the clouds… That though the waves dash o’er th… Yet after while the light will com… And in calm waters safe at home The bark will anchor.
As in some dim baronial hall restr… A prisoner sits, engirt by secret… And waving tapestries that argue f… Strange passages into the outer ai… So in this dimmer room which we ca…
A YOUTH went faring up and down… Alack and well—a—day. He fared him to the market town, Alack and well—a—day. And there he met a maiden fair,
WHEN the corn’s all cut and the… Like the burnished spears of a fie… When the field—mice rich on the nu… And the frost comes white and the… Then it’s heigh—ho! fellows and hi…
'Twas the apple that in Eden Caused our father’s primal fall; And the Trojan War, remember — 'Twas an apple caused it all. So for weeks I’ve hesitated,
Long since, in sore distress, I h… ‘Lord, who prevailest with resistl… Ever from war and strife keep me a… My battles fight!’ I know not if I play the Pharisee…
THE YOUNG MASTER ASKS… Whut you say, dah? huh, uh! chile, You 's enough to dribe me wile. Want a sto’y; jes’ hyeah dat! Whah’ 'll I git a sto’y at?
IF the muse were mine to tempt it And my feeble voice were strong, If my tongue were trained to measu… I would sing a stirring song. I would sing a song heroic
WHAT are the things that make li… A star gleam in the night. What hearts us for the coming fray… The dawn tints of the day. What helps to speed the weary mile…
Wen I git up in de mo’nin’ an’ de… Dey’s a kin’ o’ wa’nin’ shivah goe… Den I says to my ol’ ooman ez I w… 'Don’t you so’t o’ reckon, Lizy,… ‘Go on, man,’ my Lizy answah, 'yo…