Paul Laurence Dunbar

A Frolic

SWING yo’ lady roun’ an’ roun’,
Do de bes’ you know;
Mek yo’ bow an’ p’omenade
Up an’ down de flo’;
Mek dat banjo hump huhse’f,
Listen at huh talk:
Mastah gone to town to—night;
'T ain’t no time to walk.
Lif’ yo’ feet an’ flutter thoo,
Run, Miss Lucy, run;
Reckon you’ll be cotched an’ kissed
'Fo’ de night is done.
You don’t need to be so proud —
I’s a—watchin’ you,
An’ I’s layin’ lots o’ plans
Fu’ to git you, too.
Moonlight on de cotton—fiel’
Shinin’ sof’ an’ white,
Whippo’will a—tellin’ tales
Out thaih in de night;
An’ yo’ cabin’s 'crost de lot:
Run, Miss Lucy, run;
Reckon you’ll be cotched an’ kissed
'Fo’ de night is done.
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