Olga Gavrilovskiy

What Will Come Of It?

To a friend I just met

Our eyes have met.
We’ve sized each other up.
Dark moon and pale sun.  
Alien cosmic bodies caught
In each other’s paths.
Closer and closer...
Are we on a collision course?
If it is to be fatal, which will end
In pieces scattered across
The universe?
Which with a gaping crater
Of pain? Or,
Will we find a balance to this dance of souls?
Feeding and reflecting each other’s light.
What soul knows
The mind is blind to.
We find the answers  
In each other’s eyes.
©Olga Gavrilovskiy 2013

Every time we trust ourselves to make a new friend, to get to know another fellow human being, we risk being hurt, betrayed, ignored, forgotten. But, nevertheless, we keep trying, because sometimes, it's worth it.

#Bodies #CelestialFriendship #Soul

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