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Photo of spiderweb with dew and foggy tree
Nelson D Reyes

Strung Together

At All Times

Strung Together
Do I still love you?
    Alone, I can see the doubt
Your eyes express, feel the fear
The long silence this emptiness
Never so full so strong our love
Do I still love you?
    Time it was not an air I take
Without breathing you, your passion
Sun halos summer fields of fun we cherished
Memories of you dearly held in my heart
Do I still love you?
    Not just as who or what love is what you are
The half breath of me, life in the first ray bursts
Of the morning sun, dazzling enchanting orb_
Through the dusking sky settling into purple lilac haze
     As the strawberry moon rises, do I still love you?
The mystic berry moon now silhouetting lattice vines
Mimicking delicately the cobwebs of winter frost
Tints of lights like a gossamer awakened happy times
    Tears of joy strung together whispered, at all times I do.

Love musings. The moon, in all its phases/faces and shades, simply is hypnotizing.

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