Nelson D Reyes

Strawberry Moon Rising

...paradise earth wobbly floating happy along Milky Way...a Summer Solstice dance...

                Strawberry Moon Rising

Tired totally tired. My brain, long ago half empty, is getting paralyzed and gaslighted with all the goings on in this island paradise earth that seems to be peacefully floating along the sea of Milky Way.

Happiness can be very simple and can always be present and be had if one is being mindful. Right now in the middle of a hot midafternoon sun I need a bucket or two of cold iced water poured over my naked body in the middle of my front yard...!

I need to be away... far far away... where light hasn’t been yet and will welcome its coming. I need to see Socrates – talk with him but only about knowing nothing and not dwindle into any philosophy let alone deep diving on anything – else we’ll be surrounded by hemlock crazies.

I’d rather laugh with him and Plato than analyze things. Analysis is paralysis. I’d rather be able to walk in the garden of Athens and smell the roses with them... just let the butterfly fly not chase it. Just let it be. Let it live and flourish on its own. And what ever else is. Good or bad– things find their way to settle down. And forgotten sooner than later. A thing in the past we’d be better off not to dwell on.

Delight in what we see. Find humor in the kinky weird things happening around us-couldn’t be worse than the nightmare you had the night before... be compassionate though with those needing empathy.

Not enough time left for us to worry about everything. Inevitable we become old over time. Nothing should eke out any amount of time remaining from our happiness moments on this planet earth... not any amount of philosophizing what had occurred nor from making prophecies of what is to come. What we have is what there is in the moment. We can only swallow what we have inside our mouth been said.

Happiness can be very simple and can always be present and be had if one is being mindful. That cold shower was great!

But happiness cannot be without acceptance. Moving on with one’s life cannot happen without acknowledging the mistakes made. It allows you to turn the page so you do not get stuck staring and worrying about what had happened... bare yourself naked in the moment. The alternative could be devastating... self-pity can easily creep in.

Guess what, nature is turning the page! The 2024 Summer Solstice is ahead a day of the rising Strawberry Moon... splendid... “livin’ is easy” continues... enjoy! Laugh some more... get that person next to you anywhere on earth to...’smile’...perhaps be crazier than you are! Makes for a better moment for paradise earth to float peacefully and wobble crazy-happy in the Milky Way... causing our galaxy to do a two –step dance... other galaxies totally in awe now want to wobble as well... get a whole lot of galaxies shaking... celebrating the Summer Solstice...

©ndr 06.19.2024
Photo: Strawberry Moon, Old Farmer’s Almanac online

...crazy isn’t it?...”you can only be creative if you are crazy”...was it Confucius or dat guy Anon Ymous?...perhaps it’s me...hah...:)

...the good news is everybody in the world is crazy...so let those creative juices out...livelovelaughenjoy...

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