Nelson D Reyes


“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”...unknown

sitting here
in my white rocking chair
on the porch of a new old
1910 house
generations of love lived
and welcoming more
a soft cool breeze
in this 95F heat
comes between me
and the far side of the porch–
“life has been good,
generally generous to your well being...”
the love breeze whispered circled
moved on as the warm air rises
i can give
to my family
and friends
and to all whom i came across with
and to those who had come my way
in my lifetime
i am deeply grateful
they had given me
a smile or two
i could have not gone far
my body mind soul
since that primal scream
had been naked to the sun
the purveyor of life
now this autumn
a quiet reflection
of the full spectrum
all the colors
on the canvas of my life
into the winter
a reconciliation
with the blank white frame
at birth
missteps made along the way
i have none left to scream about
not a single new brush stroke
every color painted
exuded love
literally and literarily...
i have nothing left
to prove..
at peace with my soul
i remain naked
i breathe in
i breathe out
love showed the way...
like many of us humankind
we’ve crossed many a life’s rubicon
and the love breeze have touched us all
©ndr 08.27.2023
Photo: Stock photo-Stockimo JDolezal

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