...5-7-5 for all the poets coming out the nest...
...inspired by Brod Art Cordero, and Ed Passi and Artemio Villafania- a Tau Alpha Brod and two high school classmates...
Go Jump! Into Fall! Lordy Lordy twice Forty plus quarter twenty Went jumping airborne
Time strength Acceptance hugs Strength is our backbone Helps us in our grief resolution Acceptance gives us understanding An affirmation embracing of our pa…
One Life Faith Hope Love One journey one life to live one l… A friendship together a trip again… At the threshold of a New Year re…
faith unspoken love innately dwells in our heart... fills our whole being
Red Moon Dogs in the valley Cheer the crescent waxing moon Roosters roost year end Congregate yes celebrate
timelines a few million years ago humans began to evolve appeared a couple hundred thousand years recent adaptations to survive find us tod…
Boil and Simmer On a boiling humid day You can feel and even see White fumes of steam Rising from the molten asphalt
pathways through trials of faith of tragedies pains difficulties anxieties uncertainties tribulations
butterflies over the rainbow a blue butterfly winks in front of… a hummingbird chirps a friendly ca… the songbirds sing their songs I l… the breeze softly touches me it kn…
Euphoria Celestial music of the silences Glorious soft hymns of nothingness Cherubs and angels humming Earthly songbird chorus refrain
Let Leni Lead! ...words to votes 77-575 heard across the land indeed a better future all need
No Matter What Choose To be happy When you go to bed At night
Zeus, Thor and Freyr I don’t mind That Zeus is losing his cool Hurling lightning bolts Here, there and nowhere
Dance On Air If I can only do fly like a bird If I can only soar like an eagle And sing sweet calls like a nighti… And mimic for love like mockingbir…
Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. E...