butterflies over the rainbow
a blue butterfly winks in front of me
a hummingbird chirps a friendly call
the songbirds sing their songs I like
the breeze softly touches me it knows
a daffodil brightly smiling hello to me
the first senses of springtime upon us
on the porch as the sun emerges from a rain
droplets screen a beautiful wonderful rainbow
as the earth share a sweet petrichor scent
I sip a cup of elixir mountain tea to a toast
with the Gods
all smiles partaking of ambrosia and nectar from Mount Olympus
behold! butterflies now flying over the rainbow
what an awesome enchanting sight ever could be
a hopeful scene of harmony and color before a darkening horizon
a peaceful good night in the offing
a sweet dream or two perhaps
©ndr 02.24.2024
Photo: Pinterest