Photo-the Argo Navi’s Constellation/Royal Astronomical Society
a candle glow gloom doom situations we encounter in our lifetime many times come and go most we overcome
babylon have at it lovers barriers free your love is cozy up
time capsule reckoned eons span seasons history births deaths anniversaries stars rise set rise set again
Seven Thousand Seashores ...Leni to lead with understanding the color pink welcoming color amiable
The Day After Everywhere I look Everything I see I hear the colors of the universe Nourishing the days before.
April 2 A rose is a rose Any other is not close Certain not by nose Nature’s color wheel blooms soon
Legacy Rising to wide sky Tau Alpha spirit above On earth embracing ***
Mick Jagger and Rolling Stones are still touring and others from generations ago, etc. YouTube is replete with oldies but goodies. Life goes on and anachronism plays a big part of it. E...
French Quarter a birthday trinity cake a feast of life and laughter Durham once twice New Orleans
Life goes on Dreams never fade They Come True
Halloween Ride october magic carpet Black swans turning into winged co… Gather by the pond took flight as… Yonder the silver school of sardin…
time still and not seen heard... a reminder in the background at all times
Beloved Soul Soft happy memories come Times you were on earth divine You had gone away You said goodbye sure not cry
October Bear American Dream American Dream Fall rise volatile Wall Street You scheme drool and scream
Libra fair is fair for all stand up all stand up for all treated unfairly