575 act of kindness
All year plenty of acts of kindness in Durham NC Saturday Farmers Market
Boil and Simmer On a boiling humid day You can feel and even see White fumes of steam Rising from the molten asphalt
Ace Kept In The Hole it is a good thing Two moves to checkmate Guy to the left holds and checks Next guy deep breathed folds
Loving Sardines I love sardines wild about ‘em I… Zilch not a bit in high regard of… Do not feel the same no not the sa… Yet I am happy nonetheless night…
faith unspoken love innately dwells in our heart... fills our whole being
spring verses Phil saw his shadow revealed six more winter weeks cold six weeks we’re out out and have our poetry
songs of our soul around us in the sacred moments of our solit… our loneliness soothing sounds we hear from our h…
passion in our soul love’s passion never dies after a long day’s romancing the sun simply sets always
The Sun Now Rising The night seems to cloud my moon Altogether the smoke from my cigar… Pales my sight Darkness swept my solitary hermita…
Oleanders life asserting * * * Conflagration___ Hiroshima Nagasaki
if... then pure wisdom of the unknown leads us to knowing nothing
White Thanksgiving dc 1971 Snow flakes on
“God will hear your prayers... pray, hope, and don’t worry”...Padre Pio A simple act of praying, asking for our Saints’ intercession is a miracle, the fact that we are able to do so, th...
Moonlight Lullaby a sequin night sky deja vu grayish pinkish cloudless sky fabric a sunlight glossed saracenic moon
here’s looking at you still able to wake up not having any idea a miracle is upon me sweet breath of life
Cosmic Fire Beds Of Hot Coals A cosmic gift to Neanderthals pra… A classical element nemesis of wat… Combusts rapidly flashes on perfec…