#English #Women
Give me no coil of daemon flowers– Pale Messalines that faint and br… Through the spent and secret twili… On their strange feasts of blood. Five me wild things of moss and pe…
DRINK of our Cup—of the red win… All the wild shames that have crus… Passion that twists in it, Madnes… Fever that yearns in it, Folly th… Drink of our Cup! It is Love, it…
WHO shall forget till his last ho… Until the useful service of the du… Hath drawn the emptying cerements… Until the Earth hath eaten love a… Mirth, Beauty, and their kin . .…
Here in a quiet and dusty room the… Faded as crumbled stone or shiftin… Forlorn as ashes, shrivelled, scen… Meadows and gardens running throug… In this brown husk a dale of hawth…
The mind is Beauty’s thief, the p… The golden spendthrift’s trail amo… Where she stands tossing silver in… And twisting bright swift threads… Her ring the poppy snatches, and t…
REEDS, snake-like, coiled in the… Where the low fog drives: The muddy cough of the stream that… To free its throat from the clot o… As they fight it out the water and…
CHANGE shall accustom me in aft… To kingdom’s builded on life’s ove… Onward with other poets I shall g… Unpraised of thee. though praised… Until the vine that thou hast quck…
Is it not brave to be a king, Tec… Usumcasane and Theridamas, Is it not passing brave to be a ki… And ride in triumph through Perse… Bring the great words that scourge…
I am one of the wind’s stories, I am a fancy of the rain,- A memory of the high noon’s glorie… The hint the sunset had of pain. They dreamed me as they dreamed al…
Dawn has flashed up the startled s… Night has gone out beneath the hil… Many sweet times; before our eyes Dawn makes and unmakes about us st… The magic that we call the rose.
Are you my songs, importunate of p… Be still, remember for your comfor… That sweeter birds have had less l… Before men piped them from their l… Greener leaves than yours are lost…
BELOW, the street was hoarse wit… With groan of carts and scuffling… With laughter worse than blasphemi… Was choked with dust and blind wit… This room was still—too still for…
THE hand of carnival was at my do… I listened to its knocking, and sp… Faith was forgotten, Duty led no… I heard a wonton revelry in the to… The Carnival ran in my veins like…
The evening found us whom the day… Once more in bitter anger, you and… Over some small, some foolish, tri… Our anger would not decently let d… But dragged between us, shamed and…
ANDROMEDA. Chained to the years by the measur… Here I hang, here I suffer, here… Since the light sprang forth from… Since the sky was sundered and sav…