~Randomness Rocks, And Poetry Rules~

Note a poem, my feelings

This is my feelings, September 24, 2015

Last night around 2am i woke up cause I’d fallen asleep on my couch. I awoke to my mom screaming at my 12 year old brother.. About half her pack of cigs, yes, but she woke him up.. She was screaming how she should hit him, kick his ass. She’s never been abusive...... EVER........ But..I heard her hit him.. The past 3 days all shes done was yell at us, scream for no reason.. Boots (a family friend whose been with us for about 9-10 months)  and her have fought badly, and he brings me n my brother into it every time.. He disrespects her, he treats her terribly, he uses her...... Im just done with it all.. Hes changed her in the past 6 months that hes been here.... I cant stand it..... And I cant just watch this happen as she withers away..... I just cant........... I dont know what to do.......... It’ll kill her if I tell her that ​I dont wanna live with her anymore..... But It’l kill me if I stay...... Watching her get sicker by the day...

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