The departed gather at the judgment gates chanting we are the true believers
The most beautiful song I’ve ever heard is the sound of sighs
You **** The evening light traces the silhouette
No one cares as the rose peddle falls no one can see the silhouette
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Burning cries of torment from the forsaken
Feelings concealed behind a disguise falling from love those sweet
none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
if I tie my feelings to your dreams would you share them
Dark Figure *** Tears falling as I sleep falling so strange
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
Grasping my pillow in my sleep a dark voice from within whispers to me
Bedroom whispers hungers and moans the beauty of your flesh
Blind *** Your pose conceals the dark desire
Torn from the womb prematurely there were no baby cries