Without You *** there’s no quest for desire
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
I feel your magic in dreams and see stardust
the magic of a womans kiss will make any man surrender
She stares at the reflection in the bottom of the glass and sees
Loving you madly with kisses picture sweet in a frame of glass and wood
*** Caressing your picture in my sleep I sigh of love
Blind *** Your pose conceals the dark desire
Visions in the dust the shadows smirk in the darken dawn to memories lost
As you sleep in the twilight of dreams I kiss you without end
You’re the essence in love the poem in my heart
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
*** Remains of love in memories past a rainbow of black in shadows cast
If I were your knight I would have armor of gold and surrender my heart