Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
Savage Love **** Your deviant lips are bittersweet the taste
There are millions of colors in the spectrum but none can color you
I feel your magic in dreams and see stardust
In my head a silent angel sleeps as I listening to the essence
love that once held me has faded into obscurity
Feelings concealed behind a disguise falling from love those sweet
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
Darkness reflects the pale light truth conveys a book of lies so willingly
In the shadow of the graveyard I stand alone pondering life lost
Inspiration The praise of insight is mysteries that
*** Eyes of angels fall on me feelings of despair and hopeless pleas
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Do you dance to love songs do you dream as the music plays on So lonely
The falling ambers of love still smolder with hope that time