Visions in the dust the shadows smirk in the darken dawn to memories lost
The passing star fades into the night and so does the notion
Dark Figure *** Tears falling as I sleep falling so strange
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
I hear an angel in poetic dreams sounds of love from the heart she sings
Soul Deep *** together we sail in the sea
In Dreams *** Let me sleep a little longer
we waltz in visions under the stars and share
Nothing to touch nothing to caress only a void
Searching for feelings I cannot explain what happens to love when the flame turns dark
*** Caressing your picture in my sleep I sigh of love
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Never My Love With her dying breath she whispered my tomorrow
The hounds of hell wags their tails while drooling with anticipation
Lost pages of love torn and tattered empty lines I’ve read