The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
Dancing alone with a love that came and went holding on to nothing endless
Physical misery torments me impaired for life my body is weak my lips tremble
In my head a silent angel sleeps as I listening to the essence
Forgiveness is never forgiven in the gallows of revenge pulling the lever
A white lie fades into black the story of love and happiness
I confess my love for all to see I ask for your hand
The pretense of deep affection is given as innocence’s is spilled
Whispers Intimate whispers sighs from within are
Is it the horsy ride that makes you giggle in dreams or the flying spoon open the hatch
Mortality had whispered to my love feelings of life forever gone
Lost pages of love torn and tattered empty lines I’ve read
How can I keep loving when the wounds still bleeds sharing
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
Your elegance stirs the spirit of desire as your beauty