Traces of distrust from tainted thoughts search for answers
So wonderful are dreams when dreaming of you your
Feeling of touch are complete with pillow talk and kisses sweet sighs
Wanting you from afar with rhymes of passion I dare not speak my feelings
Inspiration The praise of insight is mysteries that
yearning with anticipation as my heart holds the
I hunger In lust pleading with love to forgive
The patrons were waiting for their wings of heaven doves as the bar room
In the shadow of the graveyard I stand alone pondering life lost
the tale of lost feelings that once held dreams holds none
The sands of time holds our memories of being they
The weeping souls of eternity can be heard bellowing
Feelings concealed behind a disguise falling from love those sweet
Life In Prison my gun is loaded with anguish that will never end cocking the hammer
I feel your magic in dreams and see stardust