painful emotions of tainted thoughts that search for answers
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
Dark Figure *** Tears falling as I sleep falling so strange
The hounds of hell wags their tails while drooling with anticipation
Life In Prison my gun is loaded with anguish that will never end cocking the hammer
The falling ambers of love still smolder with hope that time
I hear an angel in poetic dreams sounds of love from the heart she sings
Burning cries of torment from the forsaken
If I were your knight I would have armor of gold and surrender my heart
Whispers Intimate whispers sighs from within are
The sands of time holds our memories of being they
Feelings mislead the fallacies of love virtue cries for something
If all the angels are in heaven what do I do with my dreams do I lock them up
How can I keep loving when the wounds still bleeds sharing
The passing star fades into the night and so does the notion