Dark Figure *** Tears falling as I sleep falling so strange
*** Caressing your picture in my sleep I sigh of love
You **** The evening light traces the silhouette
none cares to listen as the rose peddle falls none sees
Smoldering Love **** Love’s ashes char the heart
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
when I hear her rebel yell she’ll say jump and I jump like hell
Imprisoned by a yeaning lust of addiction the hot pipe burns
the essence of your love permeates my soul
Do you dance to love songs do you dream as the music plays on So lonely
Your elegance stirs the spirit of desire as your beauty
Traces of distrust from tainted thoughts search for answers
No one cares as the rose peddle falls no one can see the silhouette
Savage Love **** Your deviant lips are bittersweet the taste
yearning with anticipation as my heart holds the