He stares through the cracks with swollen eyes there stands the monster
Bedroom whispers hungers and moans the beauty of your flesh
the essence of your beauty permeates my soul
The passing star fades into the night and so does the notion
As I read my diary I reminisce of your kisses so sweet
How can I keep loving when the wounds still bleeds sharing
Love never written compose each line lost in feelings
The weeping souls of eternity can be heard bellowing
Loving you madly with kisses picture sweet in a frame of glass and wood
Lost pages of love torn and tattered empty lines I’ve read
There are millions of colors in the spectrum but none can color you
In the shadow of the graveyard I stand alone pondering life lost
Visions in the dust the shadows smirk in the darken dawn to memories lost
Kiss me as your lips burn with whispers to my heart
the essence of your love permeates my soul