Mayur Mahale

The Station...

Standing alone in the station of my mind,
train of thought come and pass by,
some stay right in front of me,
with coaches of memories and dreams.
I see old faces in those,
smiling at me,
leaving one on me.
Some just ignore me,
others lost looking back at the station.
I see new faces yet they look so familiar
hoping to see them again and again.
I see people getting on it,
leaving to never come back
some just keep on coming.
Some train goes in tunnel of obscurity
some just arrive unscheduled
Either  with black foul smoke of emotions,
steaming anger and maddening noise or
Sometimes with whistle of joy and happiness
again right in front of me.
This goes on & on with no control whatsoever
reduced to being a station master with no flags
wishing a red one for good and green for others.
Otras obras de Mayur Mahale...
