May Swenson

May Swenson

Anna Thilda May “May” Swenson (28 May 1913– 4 December 1989) was an American poet and playwright. She is considered one of the most important and original poets of the 20th century, as often hailed by the noted critic Harold Bloom. The first child of Margaret and Dan Arthur Swenson, she grew up as the eldest of ten children in a Mormon household where Swedish was spoken regularly and English was a second language. As a lesbian, she was somewhat shunned by her family for religious reasons. Much of her later poetry works were devoted to children. She also translated the work of contemporary Swedish poets, including the selected poems of Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer.

Anna Thilda May “May” Swenson (28 May 1913– 4 December 1989) was an American poet and playwright. She is considered one of the most important and original poets of the 20th century, as often hailed by the noted critic Harold Bloom. The first child of Margaret and Dan Arthur Swenson, she grew up as the eldest of ten children in a Mormon household where Swedish was spoken regularly and English was a second language. As a lesbian, she was somewhat shunned by her family for religious reasons. Much of her later poetry works were devoted to children. She also translated the work of contemporary Swedish poets, including the selected poems of Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer.

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poked belly sucked picking chin within thumb damp flung caught stretched cell looked knees bar skinny nipple eyelids leather nailed poke pick milk navel leave ahead flame drink young streaked reached silver marked rays secret shade shall dare mask shines skin egg ring looks something grown pit entire seem makes fresh pulp rind juice avocado others solemn swollen blank astonished fit mean though suddenly because less palm word plea constant since hot above want hold tight touch caress €œwhat understand mysterious licked coin neat join scene fling calm than heap lone mount span question three cornered built wearing everything step note any dots nape boy funnel whisper kiss straight blond spokes smooth sniff silk brow sink say wish same glad rub become dull hope becoming messy sank hate sinking ve cuts drying enough doesn mate late loaded hits hit meets fits thwack bases fans skull vessel cheeks last point slow marble slip thunder steep floor purple sheen being ashes blows crisp after moonlight screech scratch quite stair shelf heaven turning rough lipped stones raked rips spoil run shapes upright living seated shining lead twin cross mirror painted doll soon map west fallen font sunday made tower odd hear door across fog bobs stern prow aft spray duck itself steady drains portside slants today opposite scud curved cabin porthole pasture mark toot mist fence oldfashioned motions rocking gladdest toyroom feelingly pegs unfeelingly joyfully dear trusting rockingly fists chafed restored egos dismount stride immobile willing sweetlipped sturdy smiling waiting pond park hang wriggle gently chimneys bouncing wags fishhook arched underlid lens dip crinkled hats dogs barking taken feed ducks dangles upside balloon buoy treetops deploy haze bottom bunch peanut munching suspended sneakers waveringly swan forming figure steers dimpled towers fondly hissing kisses troubled windows splinter fan binocular owl fastened limb lantern sees towhee titmouse twighouse sapsucker knothole lip reeds swallow willow flicker oak poor whippoorwill deadbrush nest awake stricken flayed brindled cruelty bumps slowly products excruciating purges squeezed dry exude stench petrified sainthood crude anvils truth shudder scintillating pins dart bodies pimpled awesome lifted blossom belches jaw fright pillared churns monstrous bursts sickly spilling filling dread thickly wraps trapped choking breath particle invisible entirely beyond microscope palomar dimension unimagined climate fair alchemy jewel dug dredged bought sown harvested shy beast loud nests split ray alien sheath pure fear toward stars remains outward view begun bringing outer turned inward forms fold continued final form resemble pouch cocked hat glenn friend edward joe husband ethel times spotted pocketed nation leader coverlet popcorn greasy forgot bring kleenex pill bomb embassy eructations luxurious cauliflowers giganticize ft screen crackling brick blackening smithereened unwrap dentyne jouncing rubber smarting clove try inch blot butter bath delectable sexless twist topped creamy freezes pinkish lavendar wiglets screwed varnished scrub tickle male amount distribu tion nervously pretending defend modesty crotch waterline also frame unsubmerged foamy boobs makeup fails caterpil lar lush glossed gum pop chew contact lenses €™re replicas €™ve most grease onto creases nails dumpy mannequin grace outlined tall uptilted bloodless rested block waved upswept later viewing sunk casket tulle expensive present dressed eden apron organdy bonnet shrank grew rimmed glasses laid wedding really fake lace self purification regimen starvation worthy whom confused aptly believed evacuation often fierce purgation teach may wax moment rushed pipes throat rectum sang galvanic spasm ecstasy collapse female spanish saint ankles stayed vigorous whizzed lay youthful triumphant murder drops basket matching blackbirds fleck reed shrieks ko ka ...
