#EnglishWriters #FemaleWriters
The earth that made the rose, She also is thy mother, and not I… The flame wherewith thy maiden spi… Was lighted at no hearth that I s… I am as far below as heaven above…
As Christ the Lord was passing by… He came, one night, to a cottage d… He came, a poor man, to the poor; He had no bed whereon to lie. He asked in vain for a crust of br…
The clouds had made a crimson crow… Above the mountains high. The stormy sun was going down In a stormy sky. Why did you let your eyes so rest…
We are not near enough to love, I can but pity all your woe; For wealth has lifted me above, And falsehood set you down below. If you were true, we still might b…
Many a flower have I seen blossom… Many a bird for me will sing. Never heard I so sweet a singer, Never saw I so fair a thing. She is a bird, a bird that blossom…
When my love did what I would not… I could hear his merry voice upon… Crying, “e;Fairest, shut your eye… Love is blind!” When my love said what I say not,…
Sunshine let it be or frost, Storm or calm, as Thou shalt choo… Though Thine every gift were lost… Thee Thyself we could not lose.
Strange Power, I know not what th… Murderer or mistress of my heart. I know I’d rather meet the blow Of my most unrelenting foe Than live—as now I live—to be
When wintry winds are no more hear… And joy’s in every bosom, When summer sings in every bird, And shines in every blossom, When happy twilight hours are long…
I HAVE walked a great while over… And I am not tall nor strong. My clothes are wet, and my teeth a… And the way was hard and long. I have wandered over the fruitful…
BLUE is Our Lady’s colour, White is Our Lord’s. To-morrow I will wear a knot Of blue and white cords, That you may see it, where you rid…
I sat before my glass one day, And conjured up a vision bare, Unlike the aspects glad and gay, That erst were found reflected the… The vision of a woman, wild
O LET me be in loving nice, Dainty, fine, and o’er precise, That I may charm my charmàd dear As tho’ I felt a secret fear To lose what never can be lost,—
The lake lay blue below the hill. O’er it, as I looked, there flew Across the waters, cold and still, A bird whose wings were palest blu… The sky above was blue at last,
Grant me but a day, love, But a day, Ere I give my heart, My heart away, Ere I say the word