Mars Bilters

The Joy of Today’s Forgiving Herb

The memory of elephantine Ganesh
Is augmented by plumes  of ganjah
Forgive with herb but do not forget
Learn from the experince and let go
Let the negative energies drift away
Retain neutral memory as reference
So you do not make the same error
With FECO learn to not give a foock
If you hold a grudge you’re not free
If you have a foot stood in the past
Then the past is ruling your present
So stand with both feet in the here
Live in the now to enjoy bud and oil
Let the hashish bring internal peace
And erase the heartaches of reality
Utilize the oleum vitum of cannabis
To vividly colour your imagination
And increase creativity and output
Let herb enhance your good moods
Don’t dwell or brood on what’s gone
Live for the moment and hit a bong
To harbour bad vibration and hatred
Is bad for your soul, only harms you
And deteriorates wellbeing bit by bit
Foock that for a lark and  get stoned
Life is too short for self inflicted pity
Or to let others actions ruin your day
Smoke to enjoy a daily stoned state
Devoid of anger, malice or any hate
Ganesh gouranga ganjah guru guna

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