Mark Edward Mc Graw Sr. Aka (M.C.T.O.C)

The struggle has returned

To all whom face borders are boundless walls, Built upon a cluttered mind

I continue to suffacate, upon borders that overlay my demise, I cannot hide from these shadows that flood my focus to near “Blindness” I must wipe away the grime, from past days of sin that built these walls of separation. Every plan that I execute, Has shattered into the thin air of failure, “Confused” I remain, finding no solution, Hungry for knowledge, “At times” I find myself so close, It’s power, I feel withiin my inner being, What must I do to complete this circle, To unlock this door, seems so easy, “Yet”this key remains, Hidden from me, as though its camouflage was crafted to fool me, Do I continue to entertain these demons that have brainwashed my thoughts?Are do I, begin to seek shelter from the fury darts thrown from the “Summit of wickedness” that flies ever above me? Help me, Oh Lord, I traveled down every path, Leaving behind my armor, Which was given to me, Threw wisdom that has now begin to tarnish from, The lack of care. This key that I seek, Can be obtained from the, “Holy” Source that has kept it’s power forever strong and bold, This Source that I speak about Is “Gods Holy word”, “The King James Bible” Every trial, Every Valley, Both High and Low, holds Confusion in this stream, Where many questions flow, some having answers, That produce much pain, But Gods Grace overflows as pure falling rain, and these evil creatures construct dams to block off the flow, where plants and life need this fluid to grow, I must breach this wall, Oh Lord I need thee in this fight, To destroy That, which is wrong, And return to that, Which is right, and this, Being the river that forever grows, where Jesus Christ gives life, Where love, Forever flows!!!

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