Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
I’m trying to find a place that’s… I’m trying to find a balance can’t I be met halfway So you don’t have time you can’t wait to get away
What we can’t have... Addiction... Self Control... Games... Choice...
I really am happy I know what I want & where I want to go Never have I thought that before,,,
I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
Do you Want to Drive My teeth? 4 wheels
There is energy from some place like the desert
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
She always hid behind her hair it was her safety until one day someone made her smile she smiled so hard
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
Wrapped in your web I fight to be free Spinning is it you or is it me maybe it’s my sneakers
He’s right.. why do I feel the need to help to save them? The needy
I go to places others won’t
I just want to get back let me
You know realizing that I’m so beyond or maybe that I think I am beyond is the problem... I don’t really know, because I’m living it, so relax... I’m going to figure it out... I hope......