tonight I put myself into Christmas jail... I mean lately I’ve put myself
I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
Amazing chemistry = two souls that dance, in absolute sync together, that’ s perfection if I’ve ever wanted it...
Pains, veins The crying god Souls lost forever to hell Tortured and tormented All is not well
I see you I want you, to know to follow me, to follow
SUNLIGHT... In fields of butterflies, that’s w… where energy collides like the col… and rain falls like satin sheets moving lightly, rhythmically down…
Something exciting was about to happen I could feel it like energy running all through my body
What if all our journeys lead to one but only for a duration did we forget
Creepy, Crawling, Emergency I felt the urgency running up and down the walls light another, smoke rendered the… and I relinquished in its purity
Burning the midnight oil needs one gasoline Standing tall waiting for you with my feathers
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost
Not sure why it is the way it is at the moment The first time I saw him he wears a red bandanna
The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly tearing
I ran my fingers Over my tight skin It felt warm And sticky As I traveled
The purple ring of fire guides my heart burning lust shed the innocence of my youth