What we forget Is our own control That we control Our own lives I let you
She stood motionless Captured and cursed To be the devils mistress Screaming to be free Oh, but you may never be
You lied to get me into only your bed you cheated
Lots of whip cream smiling faces the clouds look like big pillows circling around my eyes wandering through dark & dreary sk…
I’m trying to find a place that’s… I’m trying to find a balance can’t I be met halfway So you don’t have time you can’t wait to get away
Crazy voices seap through the walls telling me what I don’t care to hear nevermind,
I feel like the earth is exploding around me and it can’t be stopped scarred - everything is a mirage someone tell me whats real where are you? Where am I?
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
I could hear them they were down by the water they’d be coming for me soon
Thinking of you is always part of my day Wishing you were here there is so much I want to say
SUNLIGHT... In fields of butterflies, that’s w… where energy collides like the col… and rain falls like satin sheets moving lightly, rhythmically down…
Let’s get real... The strangers that look like brothers & sister on the end of the bar...
Strange... newness Just when you think That you have everything That you have it all A stranger walks in
When I asked him If he could or would ever love, substance he replied I don’t know
I starred into the black fiery depths of hell the flame was glowing from behind their walls and the smoke rose from above